Greg's Blog

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Slight Delay

Hey everyone,
Guess what?
I got a call from Dr. O'Brien today and he said they misread the last CT results and actually all my tumors shrank by 50% and there were no new growths like previously reported!!!!
You do know what today's date is though right?
April fools. I got no phone call, but wouldn't that be a nice one to get.
In my dreams.

In reality here is what is going on. I tried to call to schedule a drain of my stomach today but the Oncology nurse Tess, which is the only person in the world that knows how to do that procedure has her pager off today for some reason. I really need a drain bad, I am having to sleep in a complete sitting up position. I am bursting.
In the last couple weeks here is what has been happening with the fluid drains. On Wednesday last week I had 4.5 liters taken out. The previous Friday (5 days prior) I had 4.5 done as well, we had more to drain then, but they ran out of vacuum bottles in the cancer center. That proceeding Monday I had another 4 liters taken out. So in a 9 day period we drained a whopping 13 liters. That is 6 and 1/2, 2 liters bottles of Pepsi. Absolutely mind blowing to me that this much excess fluid could accumulate in a person.
I have to be sitting on at least 5 liters right now, but they will only take 4.5 out, if you take more they say your system is shocked too much any your electrolytes and potassium levels go crazy and you have to be admitted and have an IV drip done for 24 hours. So we always stop at 4.5 liters as a max. I can go back a few days later if needed.
Having this done so frequently makes the port that I had put in my stomach an absolute necessity. It used to take me about 3 days to recover from a drain when it was done through the radiology department. Now I am just woozy for the first day, and then it is fine pretty much after that. I have had no other crazy reactions like I did that one time when I thought I was going to die.
In the next 48 hours I have to get drained or I am going to be in some serious trouble. I hope I can get ahold of Tess tomorrow. They are normally really good about fitting me in on short notice.

The title of today's posting is "Slight Delay". We are delaying the next Chemo round a week. The last time I was in their office, (Wednesday last week during the drain) they looked at me and said there was no way I would be ready for Chemo this coming Monday like we had scheduled. So now it is going to be one more week off. Which is great. I have had a real hard time recovering from this last round of Chemo. I feel very tired still. I worked 3 and 1/2 hours on Monday and it totally wiped me out. I had to come home and sleep from 4 until 9 that night. Then I ate dinner and went back to sleep until 11 AM Tuesday morning. Still very weak, and feel like each month I get weaker and weaker. I would love to take about 3 months off of Chemo, but the growth was so rapid this last time we took time off, and the fact that even on Chemo I had new growth and cancer spread to the Spleen, I cannot stop taking the poison.

That brings you up to date.
I hope everyone has a great week, and enjoys this beginning of spring weather.
I am going to try to get in the hot tub several times this week while the weather is warm.
Love to all.