St. Pattys Day
Hi Everybody,
Hope you all are wearing Green today.
Happy St. Patty's, just stay away from the Green Beer.
Wanted to give you a quick update.
Completed a week of Chemo, it was pretty rough this time.
I ended up having to go to the treatments in my wheelchair all week. Though it is a little embarrassing and humiliating, it was unavoidable. My legs actually gave out on me a couple times last week and I did face dives in the house just walking from room to room. I had only had to use the chair 1 maybe 2 days a week for treatments in the past. But I guess this is just the natural variation or evolution of the whole process.
During the chemo week I had to have 2 stomach drains done. On Monday I had 3.5 liters taken out, and then was completely full again by Tuesday night. That was unnerving. 24 hours and I needed another drain! I was able to put it off for a few days by tripling my water pills, but by Thursday I had to be drained again, another 3+ liters was taken out.
As far as recovery goes, I was bedridden pretty much all weekend since chemo. Up only to go to the bathroom. Had an insomnia night Saturday, after sleeping until 5PM Saturday, I did not sleep 1 min again until Sunday night at 11PM. I sure was trying, but could not get to sleep. That will drive you nuts.
Currently very weak and having to use the cane around the house to get to the restroom and such, but that is expected for at least the next few days. Cant wait to get back to some kind of normalcy, being in the wheelchair all last week makes me feel like it has been an eternity since I have had a good day. Mentally I really need one. We had another rough weekend emotionally. But I still am fighting, I try to turn my anger to energy and strength.
Oh, one thing I might have forgotten to report earlier: my bone scan came back clear. They said that the bone scan did not even flag the 2 growths on the T-17 vertebrae that the CT showed. So this thing spreading to bone cancer seems to not be an issue at this time. Big relief.
I have hit you with a big enough barrage of info for now and thank you for your interest and concern. Keep praying, I need all the help I can get.
Miss you all terribly and cant wait to see you. No matter where you are.
Your lonely friend,
Hope you all are wearing Green today.
Happy St. Patty's, just stay away from the Green Beer.
Wanted to give you a quick update.
Completed a week of Chemo, it was pretty rough this time.
I ended up having to go to the treatments in my wheelchair all week. Though it is a little embarrassing and humiliating, it was unavoidable. My legs actually gave out on me a couple times last week and I did face dives in the house just walking from room to room. I had only had to use the chair 1 maybe 2 days a week for treatments in the past. But I guess this is just the natural variation or evolution of the whole process.
During the chemo week I had to have 2 stomach drains done. On Monday I had 3.5 liters taken out, and then was completely full again by Tuesday night. That was unnerving. 24 hours and I needed another drain! I was able to put it off for a few days by tripling my water pills, but by Thursday I had to be drained again, another 3+ liters was taken out.
As far as recovery goes, I was bedridden pretty much all weekend since chemo. Up only to go to the bathroom. Had an insomnia night Saturday, after sleeping until 5PM Saturday, I did not sleep 1 min again until Sunday night at 11PM. I sure was trying, but could not get to sleep. That will drive you nuts.
Currently very weak and having to use the cane around the house to get to the restroom and such, but that is expected for at least the next few days. Cant wait to get back to some kind of normalcy, being in the wheelchair all last week makes me feel like it has been an eternity since I have had a good day. Mentally I really need one. We had another rough weekend emotionally. But I still am fighting, I try to turn my anger to energy and strength.
Oh, one thing I might have forgotten to report earlier: my bone scan came back clear. They said that the bone scan did not even flag the 2 growths on the T-17 vertebrae that the CT showed. So this thing spreading to bone cancer seems to not be an issue at this time. Big relief.
I have hit you with a big enough barrage of info for now and thank you for your interest and concern. Keep praying, I need all the help I can get.
Miss you all terribly and cant wait to see you. No matter where you are.
Your lonely friend,
I can't believe I am the first to reply!! I better hurry and send this before a faster typer does!Glad to hear the bone test was negative. I just had a neighbor here whose relative had testicular cancer spread everywhere and they got it to go away. Please reconsider feeling embarrased about the wheelchair-- it should be no more embarrassing than needing glasses or me needing to wear sneakers everywhere for my feet to be cushioned. It isn't like your'e riding on a moveable porta-potty-- now that would be embarrasing! I know that you know, but we all are thinking of you so much every day. I read this today: "Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away." Think of all those times, including just recently, with swimming with those rays-- that had to be one of those moments. Even any one of the many little (or big) things someone does to help out really qualifies. Anyway, we are CONTINUALLY PRAYING for you. Did you let me take those shots for you this week? Again, anyway... I gotta send this before someone else beats me to the forst posting. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Ellen,Larry, and Brian
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM
My precious Greg,
We are elated about your good news, but I empathize with you on the insomnea. Last night was the first nite of the full moon - got one hour - and yes, it does just drive you crazy. Too tired to do anything - too board not to. Wish I had a good answer for that one. Hope and pray the worst is over. Understand your anger and applaud you for trying your best to put it too good use. Get back that fighting spirit - start a fresh chapter and go after this thing with a vengence.
Look forward to seeing you again real soon.
Love you so much dear Greg - you are always in our hearts and in our prayers. Mom & Geno
Stella, at 10:10 AM
Hi Greg -- you sure are a champ -
thank you for sharing your inmost
thoughts with us --- it helps others who are also going through times like you are -- you are an inspiration to many people out there, and we are keeping you in prayer all around the world - God bless you -- from Alice Annandale and the hundreds of people all around the world who pray for you
Anonymous, at 10:20 AM
Sorry to hear you are lonely. You must know that many of us are with you in spirit, reading your blogs silently, hurting when you hurt, sick when you are sick. You are not alone in this. Your biggest supporter is with you all the time...God. And all the rest of us!
A wheelchair is not such a bad thing. At least you are mobile. Think of those confined to a bed all day.
We all have been praying those special prayers for you & Cindy. Hang in there, go to your "happy place" if you can picture it mentally for a break from this reality, now & again.
Bob & Carol Kaufman
Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
Dear Greg
Auntie Phyl stopping by to see how you are doing...and you are doing. You are amazing and I marvel at your strength and focus as you fight this monster, cancer. You have and are enduring something that none of us can fathom nor do we want to. You are such a witness to the rest of us in how to keep on keeping on.
So you keep on directing your anger back at that monster and send him packing.
I am praising God for your wonderful bone scan...THAT IS ONE BIG YAHOO!
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
Greg, This was just forwarded to us. What a great way to keep people informed. You are in our prayers. We went through a similar experience with one of our children. It is a tough road, but thank the Lord He travels it with us.
Pastor Joel and Cindi
Anonymous, at 9:46 AM
Hi Greg,
Stopped by to say...hope you had a beautiful Easter and to say, as usual, you are in my thoughts, on my heart and in my prayers most every day.
God cover you with His blessings.
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 10:59 AM
Hi Greg,
Auntie Phyl, Stopping by to check on you and wish you a blessed and joy filled Sabbath.
Love and prayers,
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM
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