Greg's Blog

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bad 3 weeks

Well the last 3 weeks have been the worst stretch of time for me since 2002 and the original tumor removal surgery. I can’t even begin to describe the crap that has gone on, and what we have been through. It is a complete book in and of itself. Starting with Chemo on the 7th, and then the surgery on the 11th, spending the weekend in the hospital, and having a crazy life flashing before my eyes, thought I was going to die complication during my stomach draining procedure on the 14th.
It has taken a long time to recover. I was at an all time physical and emotional low. Cindy and I had some serious long talks about the big picture and what the future might bring.
We are probably going to be going to Philadelphia in the next couple months to the Cancer Center of America, to have a panel of Dr’s look at my whole case, and give us a second opinion or alternate treatment path from what we are doing at MUSC. Things have really not been that smooth with MUSC lately. Cindy was very upset with them about various last second changes that were pulled on us and not getting good information from them, and other screw ups we had to endure on top of all the physical anguish that was going on. I was too miserable to be as pissed as she was. I just pretty much mentally stepped out of my body, and just submitted to whatever abuse they put me through physically.
She is so strong. She is the only reason I am able to continue. Like a rock, or a steel girder, she holds me up when I fall, which is all the time lately. I may have luck for shit, but I was certainly blessed with an incredible wife. I am also blessed with an incredibly supportive family. Everyday I get something in the mail from one of them. Their support and outpouring of love during all this has been overwhelming. It is humbling to say the least.
After a couple weeks of recovery I thought I might do a little chore. There was a light bulb that needed to be changed, so I got out the little step stool we have which is about a 15 inch step. When I tried to step up onto the stool, I could not get the strength to make it up. I had one foot on and just could not physically step up to bring the other leg on the stool.
Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is? I was friggin furious. I even had something to hold onto and could not get my weak ass up on a foot stool. I did however muster the strength to then throw the foot stool across the garage and into the opposing wall in a fit of rage and frustration. How useless do I feel not even being able to change a light bulb.
I am just now feeling good enough to go to work for a couple hours a day. Yesterday, though I made the mistake of thinking I would go in early and leave early. I ended up leaving the house at 9:30 and not getting home until 4:30. What happened to the day? I just get sucked into that office like a black hole.
So when I got home I went to sleep right away, and am still paying the price today.
Chemo starts again on Monday, yippee!
I have some more stuff to tell you all, but I am out of energy now. I am such a wuss, typing wears me out. What a waste of skin. I really need a recovery session, and to get some strength. Maybe after the next Chemo round is over.
I have new and refreshed look at the world since the scare with the bad reaction to the drain procedure. I literally thought I was going to die in that room on Monday. I want to let all my friends and family know how much I love them, I did not think I would ever get the chance to tell anyone again. It is hard to explain the emotions. Let me just leave it at that.
Love to all.
PS Adopt a pet and share your love with a furry friend that will be there for you, and forgive you no matter how big of a jerk you may be.


  • Dear Greg, thank you for taking the time to update us on your plans. Life altering/mind altering situations cause us to realize what is really important in life and what is trivia. Most of us give trivia much more importance than it deserves. Once again you have gone to the bottom and come out of it again. Your angels are hanging on for dear life. I am glad they won't let you go. Neither will I. I love you so much, Mom

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:09 PM  

  • Dear Greg,
    Please know that my prayers continue to be with you, your wife, dad and Stella.
    A while back i had sent Stella a poem I wrote dedicated to you and others suffereing from cancer.
    I am posting it here as a repeat prayer.
    Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine
    hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
    Psalm 138:7
    Dear Lord,
    Humbly I come before thee,
    My life I lay at your feet.
    For years Lord I have suffered,
    My body has been filled with pain.
    Poking and prodding, testing and treatments,
    Never completely well, seeking to find a cure.
    I am weak and I am weary,
    I am sick more than I know.
    Lord I need thee now
    Please come and sit with me a while.
    Why must I suffer from this horrid disease?
    Why Lord, why so long?
    How much more must I endure?
    Time and time again
    I’ve bowed and prayed,
    I’ve cried in agony till I could cry no more.
    Yes Lord I’ve pleaded,
    Not my will, but your will be done.
    How long Lord must I bear this disease?
    What is the reason? What is the purpose?
    Lord, if it is your will to continue my life,
    Then please Lord, help me now
    To see, that I may understand.
    Give me strength and ease my pain.
    I ask you Lord to heal me now.
    Show me a sign Lord that I may have hope.
    But Lord if this is not your will,
    If no cure is to be,
    Then Lord I humbly pray,
    Take my life and set me free.
    Let me lay my head to rest,
    And give my spirit back to thee.
    If this be your will, my Lord
    Then please wrap your love
    Around those I love and care for.
    Comfort them and give them hope.
    Lord I come before you,
    With nothing more to give,
    Hear my cry Lord and wipe my tears.
    Not my will Lord, but your will be done.

    Love to you Greg and hold on to HOPE and FAITH.
    In Christ

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 PM  

  • Hi Greg -- so much appreciate your
    graphic explanations - want you to know that you are one brave person.
    sounds like a good plan to go to the Cancer Center of America -
    People keep praying for you all around the world --- HANG IN THERE! lOVE AND PRAYERS,
    Alice Annandale

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:09 PM  

  • Dear Greg,
    Greg Carlson here from up in the beautiful but cold state of Vermont. We are loving it here and I am so enjoying pastoring these wonderful people. Tonight when I got home from prayer meeting I got to thinking about you and Cindy and decided to check out your blog site. What I read practicly moved me to tears. You guys are both so strong and I want you to know how much I admire and love you guys. I can certainly see why you both are so angry and fed up with the treatment you've received from the doctors there. It totally ticks me off to see them treat you like they think you're some kind of labratory rat or something. Look Greg, just before checking your blog I spent some time in prayer as to whether or not to "bother" you with what I'm about to tell you about. I had just checked my email and received a newsletter from the Gerson Institute that got me to thinking about you. I asked God to impress me one way or another as to whether or not to write this to you after I read your blog. One phrase you mentioned in your blog made me decide to go ahead and bring this up to you. That phrase was "alternate treatment path." I hope I'm not being a pain here, but as a friend I feel like I can't stand by while you suffer and not say anything. I feel like Namaan's servants here just urgeing you to go dip in the Jordan river 7 times and see what happens. You've got to check out Under "Quick Links" click on "View The Gerson Miracle documentary online" and watch it for yourself. This guy developed a CURE, that's right the big C word, in the 1920's for TB and soon found out it worked for a host of other things also including cancer. Albert Schweitzer called Dr. Gerson a genious. In the Loma Linda hospital in Japan they are using this thearpy to cure cancer and a bunch of other stuff too. That's just one of the countrys of the world that allows it to be used in a clinic or hospital. Not the good old USA though. Cancer is big buisness here. They are making way too much money poisoning you with their _______ drugs and playing with you like some kind of lab rat. I'm getting madder just writing it. It's almost enough to make a preacher cuss...literaly. Look guys, I'm not trying to sell you something here. This isn't some kind of multi-level, pyramid, buy our "barley green tea super vitamin powder magic pill scam" thing that claims to make you have the labido of an 18 year, grow all your hair back, fountain of youth, look like a movie star, all the hot chicks can't leave you alone stuff. (Did I leave anything out?) Just please, take the time to research the website, view the whole documentary, talk it over together with Cindy and your family, and most of all pray about it, and then make your own informed decision. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. I've said enough I guess. If nothing else I hope this brings you some comic relief. I will be praying for you. I love you guys. I would love to hear from you sometime and what you think about this. You can email me at

    God bless,
    Greg Carlson

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:51 PM  

  • Hi Greg,
    You are amazing and inspiring young man.

    Auntie Phyl checking up on you. Still on my mind, in my heart and prayers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 PM  

  • Greg, it breaks our hearts to read what you are going through, but we can hear your strength through the words you write. A day does not go by when we don't think of you and pray for better days ahead. Big hug to you, friend.

    Chris and Kristin

    By Blogger Kristin and Chris, at 7:05 PM  

  • Hi Greg,
    Auntie Phyl back to say, thinking about you and prayng for you.

    Love and prayers,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:34 AM  

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