Starting a new chemo regiment
Today was the first day of the next chemo set of drugs.
Since the first iteration seemed not to work, we have moved onto this new cocktail of medicine. Since my condition seems to be inoperable for many of the tumor placements, and radiation is not an option given the location of the tumors, we are left to rely on chemo. If this series of drugs does not work, there is one more set we can try. But one or the other has to work.
We got to MUSC at 8:00 this morning and we left after 3 PM. Quite the marathon. We are scheduled for 3 PM the rest of the week. I guess we should plan on having dinner in the hospital cafeteria this week right?
We will probably be doing 3 months of this before doing another CT scan. So it will be awhile before any progress results are known.
Probably will only be working 10 or so hours this week, and none next week, during the recovery. But the days will be long even without work. I will be exhausted of course.
A few of the guys that work for me wanted to help me feel less like an outcast or freak at work so they shaved their heads to match mine. It was a fantastically selfless and kind gesture. Since I will not let anybody help me, they decided to not accept that and provide me emotional support by making me feel like one of the crowd. These guys are great. I am blessed to have employees like them that care enough to do this.
They have been planning it for months, and preparing their wives and so on. They surprised me with the haircuts on Wednesday last week. Thanks a million guys, I was moved to tears. See the picture below. Left to right, John Such, Larry Wadsworth, Darren Cumbie, Jeff Diemer and I am in the chair.

That is all the news that is fit to report for now.
Thought for the week “Those who desire more are never satisfied; those who are thankful for what they have are always happy.”
Remember to help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.
Your local humane society probably has a clinic that will do it for free.
Since the first iteration seemed not to work, we have moved onto this new cocktail of medicine. Since my condition seems to be inoperable for many of the tumor placements, and radiation is not an option given the location of the tumors, we are left to rely on chemo. If this series of drugs does not work, there is one more set we can try. But one or the other has to work.
We got to MUSC at 8:00 this morning and we left after 3 PM. Quite the marathon. We are scheduled for 3 PM the rest of the week. I guess we should plan on having dinner in the hospital cafeteria this week right?
We will probably be doing 3 months of this before doing another CT scan. So it will be awhile before any progress results are known.
Probably will only be working 10 or so hours this week, and none next week, during the recovery. But the days will be long even without work. I will be exhausted of course.
A few of the guys that work for me wanted to help me feel less like an outcast or freak at work so they shaved their heads to match mine. It was a fantastically selfless and kind gesture. Since I will not let anybody help me, they decided to not accept that and provide me emotional support by making me feel like one of the crowd. These guys are great. I am blessed to have employees like them that care enough to do this.
They have been planning it for months, and preparing their wives and so on. They surprised me with the haircuts on Wednesday last week. Thanks a million guys, I was moved to tears. See the picture below. Left to right, John Such, Larry Wadsworth, Darren Cumbie, Jeff Diemer and I am in the chair.
That is all the news that is fit to report for now.
Thought for the week “Those who desire more are never satisfied; those who are thankful for what they have are always happy.”
Remember to help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.
Your local humane society probably has a clinic that will do it for free.
You're loyal followers never fail to amaze me with their warmth and compassion!
Draw from the strength of all who love you and may the force be with you!
I love you Buddy and will see you soon!
Anonymous, at 12:53 PM
Hi Greg, So you are the lead singer and have a great bunch of buddies as a quartet of back-up singers. Do all these bald-headed beauties have a name for their group yet? Great picture - lots of smiles. At last, Geno's hair has finally grown out from his solidarity attempt. I told him... "once is enough".
This new chemo concoction must be very very powerful. As much time as you are spending at the hospital, they may soon make you clock in. Be nice if they paid you for what you are doing, wouldn't it.
Love you forever, Mom
Stella, at 10:44 PM
Hi Greg --- Just wanted you to know that there are hundreds and hundreds of people all around the world who are praying for you - they are part of the International
Prayer Ministry --- and always ask how you are doing ----
Just wanted you to know that you are an inspiration to so many people ----
I am a friend of your Mom's and just love her --- so I know that I would love you if I met you too!!!
Love and many prayers,
Alice Annandale
Anonymous, at 11:19 AM
So good to hear how your doing. Been thinking about you alot. Love the quote. Seems you have some strength back. Prepare yourself for the week of recovery. Miss you so much and wishing you the best of luck with this set of chemo.
Dana, at 4:08 PM
Dear Greg,
Thought I would drop in to let you know that Auntie Phyl is still checking on you.
I have tears in my eyes too after reading about your bald-headed buddies. Nice look I must say!
I loved your thought for the day.
In my thoughts, in my heart and in my prayers.
Love, Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 10:47 PM
Hi Greg,
Greg Carlson here. Holy cow man, you have really been having a ball haven't you. Eli told me of this site and I've been reading up on all the "fun." Radio active urine? Does it glow in the dark too? Your strength and attitude amaze me. I think you were right when you mentioned writing a pamphlet for other patients. You could write a book already it seems. I do have to say that I enjoy your wit and humor. I guess that is what keeps you going at times. Since leaving down there I've kept you and Cindy in prayer but had no idea how much crap you were going through. We will certainly keep up the prayers for you guys. As for google, I'm not alowed to use them anyhow since my daughter works for Yahoo.
I am guessing that you guys have done all kinds of research and tried many different avenues in your treatment. Have you ever run across Dr. Gerson? If not, type him into your YAHOO or whatever search engine you use to see what he's about. Or just go to It's something I ran across as a possability in treating my hepatitis C.
Anyhow, love and prayers from the Carlsons
One of my favorite quotes...
"When we work, we work. When we pray, God works." Max Lacado
Anonymous, at 10:53 PM
Correction; the web site is
Your buddies must be real cool guys to show you that kind of love and support to shave their heads.
God bless,
Greg Carlson
Anonymous, at 11:03 PM
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