Start of Round 3
OK lets get right to it, I have several updates for you.
First I lost my little assistant Dr. that was doing the fellowship at MUSC. Dr. Sharai has completed his two year program in this study and is moving on to another assignment. He is still at MUSC and still in the Cancer center, but not working with my case anymore. However he said he would be around and checking in on me periodically, and if I needed anything I could contact him. So it is just me and Dr. O’Brien for now. I do not know if he will be getting another understudy or not, at some point I am sure he will, but there is no telling when.
I went in Friday the 20th for my checkup and we decided to continue the Chemo treatments on schedule for probably 2 more months before doing a scan. At $750 after insurance, my cost, we do not want to hear that the results are unclear or unable to tell if there is a difference in the scans. The farther apart they are timed, the better the chance of getting readable, comparable results in the scan, whether good or bad, but at least it is not just a waste of money. So today (Monday the 30th of July) is my first treatment in round 3 of Chemo. One more to go after this.
During the visit I talked to him about my severely swollen feet. I look like Violet Bouregaurd from the shins down, this is the girl in Willy Wonka that turned into a blueberry. Except I am not blue. It is crazy, I can press down in the middle of my foot and leave an inch deep crater. Then it fills back in. It is like working with a balloon filled with play dough.
Anyway, he said that one of my blood levels, Albumin or something like that, is low and will make me experience the symptoms of diabetes.
Great!! I don’t have enough going on. So my body is laying the symptoms of diabetes on me for now. How fun. Do you think we can pile on some Crabs and Shingles too? I am just a little too comfortable, lets see if we can’t get some Scarlet Fever symptoms and maybe a slight touch of the Plague. I hear Scurvy is very popular this time of year.
I am getting a new shot today along with the 5 bags of whatever the hell they are pumping into me during these chemo treatments. It is a red cell booster shot. It works like the Nuelesta white cell booster they give me on Sunday mornings at the crack of dawn after a week of treatment, but this one is for red blood cells instead of white. This is the first time we are doing this. I did not think the red count was a problem, but it must have been a concern too.
This week I am having people from my office go with me for the treatments. Cindy starts her new position at work and is completely booked until Thursday. She will come Thursday and Friday with me and then spend the first part of next week being my nurse all day during the recovery session. So thanks to her new supervisor for giving her 2 half days and 2 full days off during her first 5 days in the department. She is really looking forward to moving to this new department after 10 years. She again has opportunity to learn new stuff and further her career. In her old job, she had risen about as far as possible, so this is a new ladder to climb.
I will be dead to the world next week so I will try to get another update out late this week to let you know how its going.
Thanks to all of you helping with the Google boycott. If they have a service you like and don’t know of an alternative let me know. I will direct you to someone who has the same or superior service they offer for free so you do not have to use them.
Closing thought: Money cannot buy class.
Love to all (except the bastards at Novartis and Google).
First I lost my little assistant Dr. that was doing the fellowship at MUSC. Dr. Sharai has completed his two year program in this study and is moving on to another assignment. He is still at MUSC and still in the Cancer center, but not working with my case anymore. However he said he would be around and checking in on me periodically, and if I needed anything I could contact him. So it is just me and Dr. O’Brien for now. I do not know if he will be getting another understudy or not, at some point I am sure he will, but there is no telling when.
I went in Friday the 20th for my checkup and we decided to continue the Chemo treatments on schedule for probably 2 more months before doing a scan. At $750 after insurance, my cost, we do not want to hear that the results are unclear or unable to tell if there is a difference in the scans. The farther apart they are timed, the better the chance of getting readable, comparable results in the scan, whether good or bad, but at least it is not just a waste of money. So today (Monday the 30th of July) is my first treatment in round 3 of Chemo. One more to go after this.
During the visit I talked to him about my severely swollen feet. I look like Violet Bouregaurd from the shins down, this is the girl in Willy Wonka that turned into a blueberry. Except I am not blue. It is crazy, I can press down in the middle of my foot and leave an inch deep crater. Then it fills back in. It is like working with a balloon filled with play dough.
Anyway, he said that one of my blood levels, Albumin or something like that, is low and will make me experience the symptoms of diabetes.
Great!! I don’t have enough going on. So my body is laying the symptoms of diabetes on me for now. How fun. Do you think we can pile on some Crabs and Shingles too? I am just a little too comfortable, lets see if we can’t get some Scarlet Fever symptoms and maybe a slight touch of the Plague. I hear Scurvy is very popular this time of year.
I am getting a new shot today along with the 5 bags of whatever the hell they are pumping into me during these chemo treatments. It is a red cell booster shot. It works like the Nuelesta white cell booster they give me on Sunday mornings at the crack of dawn after a week of treatment, but this one is for red blood cells instead of white. This is the first time we are doing this. I did not think the red count was a problem, but it must have been a concern too.
This week I am having people from my office go with me for the treatments. Cindy starts her new position at work and is completely booked until Thursday. She will come Thursday and Friday with me and then spend the first part of next week being my nurse all day during the recovery session. So thanks to her new supervisor for giving her 2 half days and 2 full days off during her first 5 days in the department. She is really looking forward to moving to this new department after 10 years. She again has opportunity to learn new stuff and further her career. In her old job, she had risen about as far as possible, so this is a new ladder to climb.
I will be dead to the world next week so I will try to get another update out late this week to let you know how its going.
Thanks to all of you helping with the Google boycott. If they have a service you like and don’t know of an alternative let me know. I will direct you to someone who has the same or superior service they offer for free so you do not have to use them.
Closing thought: Money cannot buy class.
Love to all (except the bastards at Novartis and Google).
You know they say, "Variety is the spice of life." Didn't know that meant symptoms too. Diabetes isn't the only reason people have swollen extremities - so hope they don't pin that on you too.
Congratulations to Cindy - a job well done - she deserves her new promotion. She will be good at whatever she tackles.
Love to you both, Mom
Stella, at 11:02 PM
And the hits just keep on comin'! I hate to hear of the new issues you are having to endure. I know it has to be daunting!!! - Like Mom said, there are lots of possible reasons for the pitting edema. I am sure they will be able to uncover the true cause. I have edema from time to time as does Randy. I have worn a thick support hose during those times and it really seems to help.
You have such a wonderful support team from those @ Hawkes. I am so thankful they are there for you! Please tell them your big sis appreciates them pinch hitting!! I know they love you almost as much as we do!! :-)
Our precious Cindy. I am so thrilled for her. Sounds like her new supervisor realizes what a true gem they have.
I love you dear Greg!!! xoxoxox
Anonymous, at 12:19 AM
In everything in life their are mountains and valleys, and it just seems you are getting more valleys then mountains. My prayers are with you buddy so you can experience more of the mountain experoences. I pray that in round three things it will be easier. I think it is wonderful what Sindy has done. God bless you both and I pray for the angels to be around both of you. Take care and remember I am with you through prayer and anything you need let me know. Geno
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM
Hey Buddy. Great to hear from you.
Just one surprise after another. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next surprise to be nothing but good.I think you are due for sure!! I hope this treatment goes well for you.
Thanks for the update on Cindy. I know she's excited and will do a bang up job as usual! Congrats.
Hang in there. Only a few more days and you'll have made it through this round.
Love you sweet Greg!
Anonymous, at 8:37 PM
Dear Greg,
I haven't checked in for a few days now...but, sure have had you in my prayers.
Praying with Geno that this round will be better for you. May God cover you with His hands of healing and fill your heart with peace and joy.
I am a tired Auntie...but filled with joy. Picking and canning my garden's bounty. Last night we had fried green tomatoes and sauted garlic and beet greens for dinner, yum, yum, yum. Hope you aren't nauseated by the thought of these aromatic delights.
Heading for Michigan for daughter Kara's wedding. #3, sure have been praying that this one takes. I may be out of network, but ynot out of my thoughts and prayers.
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 9:45 AM
Hi Greg, My name is "Skip". I was really touched to read your page. Your words and determination are inspirational to me. I will say a special prayer for your journey with Chemo.
I am glad to hear that you will be getting Cindy as your nurse. I do not know her personally, but I know the excitement, compasssion, empathy, caring, and love that she must feel each time that she will see you in your progression through the treatments. Nurses are true healers of the mind, body, and soul. I know she will bring you comfort through whatever you will experience with the special touch that she has to offer.
Peace be with you through your battles.
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM
Somehow I managed to not see this update..not sure why! I am soo sorry to hear that you are going through these ridiculous hurdles. And here I am complaining about my issues when I should be thankful that Im not going through what you are. Please keep your head up and continue to have faith that you will pull through!
Also, tell Cindy we are sooo thankful that she is there for you and congrats on her new position!!
Love you Uncle!! Dana
Anonymous, at 8:59 PM
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