Round 1 of Chemo Recap
I am long overdue to tell the stories of my first Chemo round effects and recovery session. I know this has been a long time coming, but somehow time just seems to fly. I figured I had better get this out to you before I start the second round, it may answer many of the questions you may have.
The first few days were not so bad effects wise. I was able to work in the mornings and then go to the Chemo treatments in the afternoon. By the end of Wednesday it was starting to get a little difficult. Thursday I was too beat to go in to the office, and had to actually break out the wheelchair and suffer the humiliation of having Cindy wheel me down the street and through the building, that was a bad day pride wise and emotionally. You really get treated differently while in the chair.
We had the last treatment on Friday the 8th of June. And that day I was strong enough to walk it rather than use the chair, might have been the anxiety of not wanting to be in the chair that gave me the strength to walk it. Then the little things like standing at the counter to get checked in become a monumental task. I completely slump on those counters and have to put my head down sometimes.
It was confusing for the poor girls behind the desk too. They said “hey weren’t you in a chair yesterday?” “Yep that’s me”, I replied “I just have more energy today” as I wheezed in and out and laid on their counter practically sprawled out.
Don’t you know it that is when the computer always wants to crap out too? “Sorry it is taking so long to check you in; the system has been running slow today”. Well of course it has. If I was there in a limo, being fed peeled grapes by supermodels, sipping a virgin pina colada, the computer would have been in over clock high speed mode.
“Mr. Hill can you verify your address for us, how about your insurance carrier, how about your primary care physician, how about your home phone, secondary phone, and emergency contact?”
How about you get me to a checked in and sitting down before I puke on your pretty LCD monitor. Hmmm, how about that? I have been going there for 4 years and if anything changes they will be the first to know.
Anyway that brings us to the end of the first round of treatments.
Saturday started the recovery phase for me. I felt worse Saturday than Friday, worse Sunday than Saturday, worse Monday than Sunday, Tuesday was about equal to Monday, so I bottomed out Monday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday was a little better, Thursday better still and Friday better still.
Cindy had to go out of town on Sunday for 7 days right at the beginning of the recovery week. So we had some nursing volunteers come to stay with me during the week.
My sister Tondi took the first few days and my Mom and step dad Gene took the last few days. Huge thanks to the 3 of them as I could have never made it without them.
Better run now, but will be back with more details on the recovery week and adventures with my volunteers.
I would not want to put you to sleep with any more to read today.
The first few days were not so bad effects wise. I was able to work in the mornings and then go to the Chemo treatments in the afternoon. By the end of Wednesday it was starting to get a little difficult. Thursday I was too beat to go in to the office, and had to actually break out the wheelchair and suffer the humiliation of having Cindy wheel me down the street and through the building, that was a bad day pride wise and emotionally. You really get treated differently while in the chair.
We had the last treatment on Friday the 8th of June. And that day I was strong enough to walk it rather than use the chair, might have been the anxiety of not wanting to be in the chair that gave me the strength to walk it. Then the little things like standing at the counter to get checked in become a monumental task. I completely slump on those counters and have to put my head down sometimes.
It was confusing for the poor girls behind the desk too. They said “hey weren’t you in a chair yesterday?” “Yep that’s me”, I replied “I just have more energy today” as I wheezed in and out and laid on their counter practically sprawled out.
Don’t you know it that is when the computer always wants to crap out too? “Sorry it is taking so long to check you in; the system has been running slow today”. Well of course it has. If I was there in a limo, being fed peeled grapes by supermodels, sipping a virgin pina colada, the computer would have been in over clock high speed mode.
“Mr. Hill can you verify your address for us, how about your insurance carrier, how about your primary care physician, how about your home phone, secondary phone, and emergency contact?”
How about you get me to a checked in and sitting down before I puke on your pretty LCD monitor. Hmmm, how about that? I have been going there for 4 years and if anything changes they will be the first to know.
Anyway that brings us to the end of the first round of treatments.
Saturday started the recovery phase for me. I felt worse Saturday than Friday, worse Sunday than Saturday, worse Monday than Sunday, Tuesday was about equal to Monday, so I bottomed out Monday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday was a little better, Thursday better still and Friday better still.
Cindy had to go out of town on Sunday for 7 days right at the beginning of the recovery week. So we had some nursing volunteers come to stay with me during the week.
My sister Tondi took the first few days and my Mom and step dad Gene took the last few days. Huge thanks to the 3 of them as I could have never made it without them.
Better run now, but will be back with more details on the recovery week and adventures with my volunteers.
I would not want to put you to sleep with any more to read today.
Hi Greg, I was with you most of the week and still learned something new by reading your blog. You could write until the cows come home and I would stay up and read it as long you would write. Anyone reading your blog is doing so because they truly want to know what you have to say. Write proudly knowing that you have a receptive audience!!
Love and hugs, Mom
Stella, at 3:51 PM
Hi Buddy!!
I so look forward to your posts. It helps me be a part of your daily life, good and bad. Thank you for the tremendous effort that goes into keeping all up to date.
I love the descriptive information you share. I get such mental images --- "throwing up on your pretty LCD monitor"!!!! I love it!!! BUT, love you more!!!! Tammy
Tammy, at 3:59 PM
Hi Greg,
Auntie Phyl here. I tried to find the "ads" you referred to in your blog...but it doesn't show up on our screen.
My husband went into the firewall program and gave complete access to your site and it still didn't bring them up. Then he changed the "tools" setting to allow popups and that didn't do it.
Any suggestions as to what might be blocking these ads on our end? Or, is there another way that we can go directly to the site(s)and enter your name for credit due? Don't want to put our e-mail address on the blog, but your Mom can give it to you if can give us any clues.
Read yesterdays blog... concur with you completely. Sometimes it makes you wonder and want to scream. Although a "puke or two" might change their policy slightly.
That young lady is numbed to the redundant steps that she is required to go through; I am sure there was a time when she wanted to scream at the foolishness of it all.
I look forward to your blogs. May not be family, may not be a friend, but sure do care about you.
In my heart, thoughts and prayers.
Love and prayers, Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
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Stella, at 10:57 PM
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