Chemo Starting
I went back to MUSC after the Duke debacle, and asked what was our next best alternative was. We are going to unfortunately have to go the traditional Chomotherapy route. Hard part about this is that my type of cancer is so rare they have little or no information on the success rate of this type of treatment.
This will be starting Monday June 4th.
The Chemo I will be taking is actually multiple medicines. We will start by doing Sandostatin shots again which is once a month injection in the hip (hurts like hell for about 3 days). Then we will be using the same Chemo medicine they have used for 30 years. It is called Streptozocin. It will be given intravenously 5 days a week for 1 out of 4 weeks. Next is Adriamycin, which is given intravenously 1 day a month. Along with these medicines I will get some heavy doses of anti-neusea medicine before the IV drips.
So on day 1 of this, I will have quite the little cocktail of medicine. 1 shot in the butt of Sandostatin, several anti-nausea medicines, an IV drip of Streptozocin, and an IV drip of Adramycin. Also all my regular prescription schedule will continue. That is about a dozen different types of medicines going into the system on that day. I am sure that hilarious results are in the works, sounds like a big powder keg waiting for a spark.
As you can imagine, the stereotypical expected side effects are all included with this treatment. Weight loss, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, low blood counts, kidney damage, lowering of blood sugar, mouth sores, stomach ulcers, heart damage, and of course extreme fatigue.
This is the medicine regimen I have been trying to avoid ever since my diagnosis, 4 years ago. But now it is unavoidable. All the easy (although I had a really hard time with some of them) treatments, have been exhausted and do not work for my situation. I am only left with the brutal treatment.
Another mental blow or milestone along this journey, is the admittance that I need to have access to a wheelchair. I am currently shopping around to try to get a lightweight one that we can just fold up into the trunk of the car. Sometimes the journey inside stores or even at the pharmacy is just unbearable on a bad day. Now that I have the Chemo treatment coming I know that the exhaustion will only get worse. So I have to byte the sour apple and admit I need a wheelchair.
I am considering bumper stickers for it now. I have narrowed it down to a short list.
My front runner is "Signal Broken: Watch for Finger",
close behind that is "My Other Car is an X-Wing Fighter",
I thought this one might be a nice ice breaker "I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look".
I do not think Cindy will go for that one though.
Please send your submissions for possible bumper stickers through the blog post a reply section. Maybe we can have a vote for the best submission and I will post the results.
I have to send a big THANK YOU to Cindy's friends at Blackbaud. They have arranged for a landscaping place to come by and cut the grass all through June, July and August, also for someone to do a one time house cleaning and even got Cindy a massage appointment. So that was a wonderful surprise and will take a huge burden off of her this summer with the lawn. I have been forbidden by her to cut the grass. So it was all on her to do. I really appreciate it!
That's all the updates for now.
I have a ultrasound on my heart along with a ECG and one last appointment on Friday before starting the Chemo treatment Monday June 4th.
God Bless!
This will be starting Monday June 4th.
The Chemo I will be taking is actually multiple medicines. We will start by doing Sandostatin shots again which is once a month injection in the hip (hurts like hell for about 3 days). Then we will be using the same Chemo medicine they have used for 30 years. It is called Streptozocin. It will be given intravenously 5 days a week for 1 out of 4 weeks. Next is Adriamycin, which is given intravenously 1 day a month. Along with these medicines I will get some heavy doses of anti-neusea medicine before the IV drips.
So on day 1 of this, I will have quite the little cocktail of medicine. 1 shot in the butt of Sandostatin, several anti-nausea medicines, an IV drip of Streptozocin, and an IV drip of Adramycin. Also all my regular prescription schedule will continue. That is about a dozen different types of medicines going into the system on that day. I am sure that hilarious results are in the works, sounds like a big powder keg waiting for a spark.
As you can imagine, the stereotypical expected side effects are all included with this treatment. Weight loss, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, low blood counts, kidney damage, lowering of blood sugar, mouth sores, stomach ulcers, heart damage, and of course extreme fatigue.
This is the medicine regimen I have been trying to avoid ever since my diagnosis, 4 years ago. But now it is unavoidable. All the easy (although I had a really hard time with some of them) treatments, have been exhausted and do not work for my situation. I am only left with the brutal treatment.
Another mental blow or milestone along this journey, is the admittance that I need to have access to a wheelchair. I am currently shopping around to try to get a lightweight one that we can just fold up into the trunk of the car. Sometimes the journey inside stores or even at the pharmacy is just unbearable on a bad day. Now that I have the Chemo treatment coming I know that the exhaustion will only get worse. So I have to byte the sour apple and admit I need a wheelchair.
I am considering bumper stickers for it now. I have narrowed it down to a short list.
My front runner is "Signal Broken: Watch for Finger",
close behind that is "My Other Car is an X-Wing Fighter",
I thought this one might be a nice ice breaker "I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look".
I do not think Cindy will go for that one though.
Please send your submissions for possible bumper stickers through the blog post a reply section. Maybe we can have a vote for the best submission and I will post the results.
I have to send a big THANK YOU to Cindy's friends at Blackbaud. They have arranged for a landscaping place to come by and cut the grass all through June, July and August, also for someone to do a one time house cleaning and even got Cindy a massage appointment. So that was a wonderful surprise and will take a huge burden off of her this summer with the lawn. I have been forbidden by her to cut the grass. So it was all on her to do. I really appreciate it!
That's all the updates for now.
I have a ultrasound on my heart along with a ECG and one last appointment on Friday before starting the Chemo treatment Monday June 4th.
God Bless!
Please wait on the wheelchair. I believe I can get one for you at no cost.
I love you Bud!! Tammy
Anonymous, at 9:50 AM
Greg, thank you for this all-inclusive update. And another journey begins. We will be with you very soon, let me know if you want us to come earlier. I love you sweet Greg, Mom
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM
It is hard for me to understand how people can bel;ieve that some people will go to hell after they die. I see to many people are in hell on earth. Greg My prayers are with you but most of all if I could give you my strength my liver and my pancreas I would. It seems all I can give you is my love and hope in a coming time with no pain or suffering. If you need your mother and me or anything else I can give let me know for I am here for you.
Love Gene
Anonymous, at 1:43 PM
Greg, our prayers are with you. Phil - a friend of Tondi Sue's
Phil Davidson, at 3:10 PM
Im must admit Im pretty partial to the gyno bumper sticker maybe thats because I find it incredibly halarious. I admire your strength and ability to find some sort of humor in everything you do but then again you would definetely not be Greg if you did not. I have some friends that I may be able to help you out with the whole wheelchair thing also. No promises but I can check on it for you. That was very very thoughtful of them to do that for you and Cindy. My prayers are always with the both of you! Love you!
Dana, at 3:19 PM
The wheelchair problem has been taken care of. It will be at Greg's house tomorrow.My Mom loved Greg, and would love him to use her chair.
randy louya
P.S.Bumper sticker- Beware Freder on board!!!!
Anonymous, at 8:34 PM
Greg, It's hard to believe that you are only 9 days older than me and you have to go through all of this. I have been reading your blog ever since Dad let me know what's been going on. I feel guilty for being healthy. It sounds like you have a great support system to help you through this troubling time. I wish you the best of luck in getting better. I enjoy reading your this point in your life you should be able to say what feel. Just remember that all of this is happening for some reason. He has a (good) plan in store for you.
Take care, Tricia Hill Stephenson (Uncle Jerry's daughter)
Anonymous, at 9:06 PM
Hi Greg, Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you throughout this, your next journey. May you come to know the joys for yourself that you have given to so meny of your friends. That loveable blond bundle of boundless energy, jokes, and happy words for all. I send you love hope and best wishes. Your other brother, Gregory
Anonymous, at 10:45 PM
My prayers as always are with you Greg.
Love you man,
Brian, at 4:51 PM
Hi Greg,
Please know that I will be thinking about you tomorrow as you begin this new protocol for treatment. If it is any consolation, the anti-nausea meds given to me before, during and after the infusions of chemicals worked wonders! It is my hope that it is the same for you. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Love to you,
Cousin Cindy
Anonymous, at 2:02 PM
Hey, Greg..Still have the Hill wise cracks I see. Don`t really know what to say, except you are in our prayers and look forward to seeing you in the not to distant future. I plan to come to Larry`s in July or August and hopefully get to see you. Hang in there and know you are loved by so many. jerry
jerry hill, at 9:14 PM
"Keep Staring- I Might Do a Trick"
"I'm in a wheelchair - I can still get it up"
"Chicks Dig My Wheels"
Take Care Greg - Give Cindy my love.
Uncle Dave
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
Dear Greg,
Back from Camp Meeting; back on schedule just in time to leave again, but had to check on my favorite adopted nephew.
Wow, sure sounds like you are headed down another road littered with "cow pies". Thing about "cow pies", they sure can stink for a while...but, in the end they have their redeeming qualities.
I'm praying that yours bring you fertile ground and days filled with joy.
I will be out of the loop again for a while... I am heading for Michigan the high school graduation of one of our thirteen grandchildren. However, you will be on my mind and in my heart and prayers each day.
Love and prayers!!!!!!
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM
Greg, I am so happy that you are able to use Ruth's wheelchair. She was hell on wheels in her own way.Ruth loved to park in the open spaces, only thay happen to be in doorways, she didn't care if anyone could get by or not,no one in the world but Ruth. It is no shock to me that you have taken part of the house apart with your 1st trip around the living room. I love it. I wish you both luck with the new ride. Love Ya!Gregory
Gregory, at 9:08 PM
Greg, I am so happy that you are able to use Ruth's wheelchair. She was hell on wheels in her own way.Ruth loved to park in the open spaces, only thay happen to be in doorways, she didn't care if anyone could get by or not,no one in the world but Ruth. It is no shock to me that you have taken part of the house apart with your 1st trip around the living room. I love it. I wish you both luck with the new ride. Love Ya!Gregory
Gregory, at 9:08 PM
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Anonymous, at 9:22 PM
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