New Features
I have a couple of new features added to the blog.
First, I found a piece of software that lets you add a counter to your blog site. So now I can get some kind of idea how many times the blog is read in a nice little report and see it by day or weekly. You may notice the counter in the right hand margin under the links. I put it up June 24th Sunday at about 5 AM so the number you see there is the number of times the page has been loaded since then. This is not the count of individual visitors as I would have liked, but rather page loads, if you go off the page and come back then I think that is treated as a tick on the counter. Anyway it is better information than I had before.
Next, people are always asking me what they can do to help. Some want to help with errands and chores, others have asked if they can give money to help with medical bills and expenses. There is just no way that I could accept money from friends or relatives, I would have to be at the starvation level for that to even cross my mind. And given the research I have done on so called non-profit organizations and how much money is actually received by the intended parties, I cannot encourage donations to them either.
After much consideration and deliberation I have added a small sponsor block at the top of the page. This is a way you can help financially without actually parting with any money, which is the only way, I would have it. The payouts on these are miniscule, but if I have enough people actually loading the pages, then after a month it may offset the cost of one of my prescription co pays or something.
I have tried to pick a color scheme that will just blend in so they are not distracting. So if you don’t want to waste your time with them you can just breeze right by them. I would never want to burden anyone who takes the time to come to my site, and officially I cannot encourage you to visit the sponsor links, per the contract terms. So I am not asking you to visit them, I am just letting you know they are there, in case you missed them.
I do not get to control what shows up there, but it is supposed to be content related. Like today I saw some for cancer clinical trials and one for digestive disorders. So I might learn some things from these as well, who would have thought. Pretty cool how that works, huh.
Darn after 2 AM already, got to make like a banana and split.
More updates to come soon!
I have not even gotten into the recovery story yet, so much to do, so little time.
Counting down to Chemo round 2 starting Monday July 2nd.
All things according to his will.
First, I found a piece of software that lets you add a counter to your blog site. So now I can get some kind of idea how many times the blog is read in a nice little report and see it by day or weekly. You may notice the counter in the right hand margin under the links. I put it up June 24th Sunday at about 5 AM so the number you see there is the number of times the page has been loaded since then. This is not the count of individual visitors as I would have liked, but rather page loads, if you go off the page and come back then I think that is treated as a tick on the counter. Anyway it is better information than I had before.
Next, people are always asking me what they can do to help. Some want to help with errands and chores, others have asked if they can give money to help with medical bills and expenses. There is just no way that I could accept money from friends or relatives, I would have to be at the starvation level for that to even cross my mind. And given the research I have done on so called non-profit organizations and how much money is actually received by the intended parties, I cannot encourage donations to them either.
After much consideration and deliberation I have added a small sponsor block at the top of the page. This is a way you can help financially without actually parting with any money, which is the only way, I would have it. The payouts on these are miniscule, but if I have enough people actually loading the pages, then after a month it may offset the cost of one of my prescription co pays or something.
I have tried to pick a color scheme that will just blend in so they are not distracting. So if you don’t want to waste your time with them you can just breeze right by them. I would never want to burden anyone who takes the time to come to my site, and officially I cannot encourage you to visit the sponsor links, per the contract terms. So I am not asking you to visit them, I am just letting you know they are there, in case you missed them.
I do not get to control what shows up there, but it is supposed to be content related. Like today I saw some for cancer clinical trials and one for digestive disorders. So I might learn some things from these as well, who would have thought. Pretty cool how that works, huh.
Darn after 2 AM already, got to make like a banana and split.
More updates to come soon!
I have not even gotten into the recovery story yet, so much to do, so little time.
Counting down to Chemo round 2 starting Monday July 2nd.
All things according to his will.
Hi Greg, thank you so much for taking the time to give us so much information. The additional sites at the top will be an added plus. You can be sure they will be looked into.
I love you, Mom
Anonymous, at 11:46 AM
Hey Greg: Sure appreciate all your updates, Remember we are here for you after the 2nd round.
Love Geno
Anonymous, at 11:56 AM
Hi Greg,
This is me Sindy, Genes daughter.
I want to praise the Lord for your strength and faith. I admire your courage and with all you have had to endure, well I may not be ill but it is your strength that has inspired me to live life to the fullest after my beloved son passed away. Thank you. I think of you often and pray for you.
Do not lose hope and keep your eyes on Jesus. I find myself sitting outside a lot and searching His wonders. Look for that and your heart will be opened and you may smile. I did, i was watching the sky yesterday and thinking and then a cloud passed by and it looked just like a puppy dog playing. I thanked the lord for giving me a reason to smile regardless of the many trials, the pain that so many suffer and the sin of this world. He still shows us His love through His glory.
Thanks Greg, My heavnely father is my number one inspiration, then my wonderful dad and you are my next.
I may not know you personally but have grown to love you as my brother.
Keep on smiling and God bless
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread…but here I go, anyway. Who am I??? A friend of your mom’s. We go way back to our schooldays in Massachusetts. Your mom has shared a lot with me as we got caught up on our lives since the ‘50’s.
I’ve been reading your blogs for months now, and I just forwarded your latest blog to one of my sons, Daniel, who is an interventional radiologist. You are such an inspiration to me, I just felt impressed to let Dan in on your experiences so he can see how life sometimes is on the other side of his desk. Your dry wit is a marvel to me and overrides what you are really going through. I’m glad you don’t try to “soft soap” the descriptions of your life. You tell it like it is, and as you said, “I got to be me”!!! It’s a privilege to view your personal journal, albeit a heart-wrenching, tear-jerking reading.
Special blessings are in God’s mind for both you and Cindy. Trust Him…glo
P.S. Would love to ship you some of our roasty-toasty 111o Arizona heat to warm the cockles of your heart. You could just hang your quilt on the wall for all to see.
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
Hey Greg!
Still thinking about you and praying for you everyday. I am also praying for Cindy for strength as she is there for you each and every day.
Try to get your strength up for the next round. Your in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Just remember that God only gives us what we can handle. It may feel like too much at times, but He will give you strength to pull through it all. Just ask and you will receive.
Love lots, from your step-sis, Tina
Anonymous, at 5:28 PM
Uh oh...getting all technical on the blog...the internet is beginning to pull you in as it has me also. I would say Im impressed with your ability to find these programs for your blog but that would be a lie. You are quite the computer wiz and flat out one the most intelligent people I have ever met. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for me and glad to hear you are hanging in there!!! Love you uncle!!
Dana, at 6:20 PM
I'm off to see the Wizaard (Bumper Sticker for chair)
Love You
Mom and Dad - DE, at 10:53 PM
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