Chemo Treatments
The medicines they are giving me during the infusions are numerous, and I won’t list them out to save you the boredom. But I go through about 6 bags of drip stuff. Only 2 of them are the actual Chemo medicine. The rest are nausea stuff and sugar water. It takes about 2.5 hours to get it all down.

You get put in a kind of big open room with about 7 other people, but you are separated by these little glass sliding dividers from your left and right neighbors, but you do see across to the opposite line of people staring back at you. So it is kind of private, but not really. There is a nice comfy reclining chair to sit in during the infusion and a decent sized guest chair for a visitor.
So far Cindy has come with me for all the infusions.
We have a treatment cycle of 5 days on and 3 weeks off. So far I have not actually had to throw up. I have felt like it many times, and my stomach is starting to feel like the inside of it is covered with fire ant bites. I guess the cells in the stomach lining are dying off as expected. I am expected to experience the worst of the effects this weekend, when I reach maximum saturation.
So far Cindy has come with me for all the infusions.
We have a treatment cycle of 5 days on and 3 weeks off. So far I have not actually had to throw up. I have felt like it many times, and my stomach is starting to feel like the inside of it is covered with fire ant bites. I guess the cells in the stomach lining are dying off as expected. I am expected to experience the worst of the effects this weekend, when I reach maximum saturation.

As you can see from the picture I have preempted the hair falling out routine and went with the buzz cut. I have seen some patches thinning considerably already. I did this to avoid the shock of finding clumps of hair laying around and freaking me out. Also to deal with the hair thing emotionally all at one time was a better move I think.
I made it fun at least while I was cutting it. I first made my self a big Mohawk, then came back and cut that off.
The nurse that is taking care of my infusions is named Cheryl and seems to be real nice. She has been doing this for 31 years. There are DVD’s here they let you borrow if you have a DVD player. I bring my laptop each day and do work or play games, but I guess I will eventually watch some of their DVD’s on it. It is a nice little feature, it is all funded by donation, and the hospital does not pay for it. We get them for free, but people donate the DVD’s and the staff can check them out for $1 over the weekends and they use that money to buy new ones.
Over all it has been an uneventful first week, fatigue has been the biggest complaint. Today Cindy forced me to break out the wheelchair to go from the car to the hospital. She had fun pushing me. It was quite a moral setback for me to have to succumb to riding in it, but I guess it had to happen sooner or later. There are no shocks on it. I was just thinking if you have hemorrhoids and have to ride in one of these, you better get one of those air donut things.
So what terrors lie ahead for the weekend, who knows, it could be light. I have scheduled to be on vacation all next week given the unknown and I have Tondi coming to baby sit Sunday thru Tuesday and Mom coming Wednesday thru Saturday. Cindy will be in Colorado all week at a Cisco Training Bootcamp.
Maybe I will feel good enough to spend some time actually staining the deck on my vacation. Jeff and Gene will be coming with their associated wives and would probably love an activity to break up their boring days sitting with me.
Well, that is enough rambling for now.
Hope this give you an idea of the Chemo infusion process.
Love to all,
I made it fun at least while I was cutting it. I first made my self a big Mohawk, then came back and cut that off.
The nurse that is taking care of my infusions is named Cheryl and seems to be real nice. She has been doing this for 31 years. There are DVD’s here they let you borrow if you have a DVD player. I bring my laptop each day and do work or play games, but I guess I will eventually watch some of their DVD’s on it. It is a nice little feature, it is all funded by donation, and the hospital does not pay for it. We get them for free, but people donate the DVD’s and the staff can check them out for $1 over the weekends and they use that money to buy new ones.
Over all it has been an uneventful first week, fatigue has been the biggest complaint. Today Cindy forced me to break out the wheelchair to go from the car to the hospital. She had fun pushing me. It was quite a moral setback for me to have to succumb to riding in it, but I guess it had to happen sooner or later. There are no shocks on it. I was just thinking if you have hemorrhoids and have to ride in one of these, you better get one of those air donut things.
So what terrors lie ahead for the weekend, who knows, it could be light. I have scheduled to be on vacation all next week given the unknown and I have Tondi coming to baby sit Sunday thru Tuesday and Mom coming Wednesday thru Saturday. Cindy will be in Colorado all week at a Cisco Training Bootcamp.
Maybe I will feel good enough to spend some time actually staining the deck on my vacation. Jeff and Gene will be coming with their associated wives and would probably love an activity to break up their boring days sitting with me.
Well, that is enough rambling for now.
Hope this give you an idea of the Chemo infusion process.
Love to all,
Thank you for keeping us up to date on this week's activities. I have thought of you each day and hoped that the sessins were going well.
I LOVE your hair!! Brings back memories of your showing us how cool the buzz was and how easy it was to keep clean - handful of dirt, a little brush off and all clean!! How cool was that!!
I hope your weekend is completely uneventful! Enjoy your precious family that loves you so!!!
Will talk to you soon!
Much love!! Tammy
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM
Hi Mr. Greg, I am so glad you are sharing all this info and the pictures with us. It really helps to know and see what is going on.
Now that this first big week is over, I hope you can get some well-needed rest.
C U soon - Love you, Mom
Anonymous, at 11:20 PM
Hey Egg Head -
glad to see the sense of humor still holding out - wouldn't expect anything less....the hair thing could prove interesting, what if it grows back like Tondi' never know. You'll have to give reviews of the DVD's once you start watching, I never can pick the good ones, usually inflicting a week of Antonia Banderas or Val Kilmer on Charlie. Neither is any good so I don't know why I do it....
Hang in there, little bro...I'm glad Tondi and Mums will be spending time with you. Talk one of them into fixing you a Peggy Special....Cindy will never know!
Love you!
Anonymous, at 4:08 PM
Hey Greg - It is good to get an update on how you are doing. Hey a buzz cut looks good! It is too hot any way. We will be praying for you in a special way this week. We hope your weekend is peaceful and you even find time to do some work on your deck. Remember God is always close by...Love The Rojas.
Anonymous, at 11:43 PM
Hi Greg,
I am back safe and sound (physically anyway) from my trip to Michigan.
I drove straight thru and got in at 10:00 last night. Not bad for a 60 something great grandma!
I spent four days with my daughter Kara and her five kids (4 of them teens). It was CRAZY. I had forgotten the daily madness that prevails in a house of teenagers, let alone what it is like getting into a car with them! WATCH OUT NELLIE!!!!! Saying all of that; I sure enjoyed our time together and the quiet ride home to NC.
Continuing to pray your nasty regime with the chemo gives you the fewest side-effects possible.
Your picture reminded me of when my husband used to give our boys haircuts...the "rocky special". Close enough to let the sun shine through.
Have a blessed day!
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl Tuesday, 6/12)
Anonymous, at 11:45 AM
Hey little buddy! I know it takes a lot out of you to update your blog, but we all sure do appreciate your taking the time to let us know what's going on. I was so glad to hear you have some type of entertainment while sitting in that room. You are in between fill-ups now, so I really hope you aren't going through all those nasty side affects. Between Tondi & Jeff, Mom & Gene, and of course "R2", try to get some rest and let them bring stuff to you! Love you Bro & talk to you soon! Michelle
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
Hey Greg,
Even though this is not the way you would have wanted it to's one foot in front of the other, no need to back track. Looks like you are hitting it head the haircut! Glad that your 1st week of treatments are going well too, w/few side effects so far. I am praying for you, think about you often, and hope all goes well! If you get a chance, my email addy is
Love ya!
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM
Hey Uncle!!
First things first...all the Dallas boys are wearing their hair either really long or buzzed so you fit right in, Trendsetter!!
2nd- I would be taking advantage of the time you have with fam and let them do things for ya. I know it sucks not being able to get around very well but its for your own good. Dont be stubborn like me :)
3rd- Cindy is just amazing!! Thats all I can really say about her. I am so happy she has been there for you. She's a gem!!
4th- I can remember back in the day when I would see people riding in wheelchairs and just get sooo jealous b/c they didnt have to walk for themselves...beginning to think that may be alittle overrated.
And lastly, hemmoroids and donuts..not sure I follow on the simalarities but I can assure you the cream helps..haha!!! Love you uncle!!! Dont worry with that deck get the boys on it and relax you will thank yourself later!!
Dana, at 7:51 PM
i love ya bro..
Anonymous, at 11:19 AM
Dear Greg,
Just stopped in to check on you and tell you that you are in my thoughts, heart and prayers.
Have a blessed day!
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 12:56 PM
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