That Sound You Hear Is The Other Shoe Dropping
Remember me saying in the last post that I was not getting excited about my last scan until I heard the detailed results with measurements included and such? Here is why.
I had an appointment scheduled for 11:00 Wednesday to see how my swelling was progressing and to get the "official" results of the last scan, which should have been very close to the "preliminary" results I posted last week.
I thought this was going to be a 20 min conversation, no big deal so I scheduled an eye appointment for 12:40 the same day across town.
I was going to be real slick and sneak in there a little early so I could get my blood work started and we would not have to wait on that later and I would be on easy street to get to my eye Dr. on time. Oh, how wrong can one guy be.
I left the house at 9:45, got the the hospital at 10:15. Had my blood drawn by 10:30. Had a short wait in the waiting room before getting to the exam room at 10:55. OOOH it was going so good. The day went downhill from here.
Since it was 101 degrees in Charleston with the heat index yesterday and this should just be a quick in and out, I decided to only wear regular clothes plus a winter coat into the hospital for my short consultation today and opted to leave behind my normal outfit of gloves and toboggan hat.
I did not get seen until 12:05, (1 hour 10 mins later) by then my bald head was numb from the ears up, my hands were blue and shaking and my swollen feet, blocks of engorged ice. Still have 35 mins to make it to my eye Dr., yippee, it will take me 15 mins here and 20 mins to drive, no problem.
By 12:06 I knew I was screwed.
O'Brien started out the conversation by saying "you know that blood clot in your liver?"
"No, ... what blood clot in my liver?" I responded.
"Well it got substantially larger since your April CT scan."
"What blood clot in my liver?"
"The one that has been there since September of last year."
Like I said, the day went downhill quickly.
Come to find out I have, guess what, a bloodclot, on the impathaic artery or some shit.
It is on top of and/or using an existing tumor in the liver, on that artery as an anchor. So he is very concerned about this now and thinks that it is the cause of my swelling in the legs which is a side effect of unusual liver function, and the cause of many of my other symptoms. Now the swelling is the least of our concerns. It is like worrying about getting sunburned at the beach when a 100 foot tidal wave is about to crash down on you.
So he goes on to tell me the possible problems with the bloodclot.
1. It could move to the lungs causing some huge problem I cannot remember the name of, but essentially means death.
2. I could move to the somewhere else causing some other big word and death.
3. It could stay where it is and block blood flow to this lobe of the liver and cause the tissue to die.
None of these sounds like a good scenario to me so now we have a new public enemy #1. The Liver Bloodclot.
He wants to immediately do a 3 phase CT scan on the liver specifically. This will give us much more information about it than the typical scan we did last week. Also we need to do an Ultrasound to look at the clot right now. Like today.
So I have to now wait for the transport people to take me over to the Ultrasound dept in the other building via wheelchair.
15 mins later we are on our way. It is now 12:40. I get to the ultrasound dept and wait to check in there and then have to wait in the waiting room for another half hour. If it is possible it is colder in this building than the other one.
I'm sitting there in the hallway by myself, in a wheelchair, freezing to death thinking about all the new crap I just heard in the last 30 mins and start to cry. Well this a new low point in my life. It cant get any worse than this.
Finally they call me for the ultrasound. Anyone that has had one knows that this tool they use on you is a hard plastic wand like thing. They really have to press down hard on you to get a good reading. Well where your liver is, is right behind the lower rib cage on your right side, and it goes around to the center of your stomach.
I have not one ounce of meat on my ribs. It is just skin and then bone. I swear in the 30 mins it took her to do the tests she cracked 3 ribs. Then she moved to the stomach and started pressing down on my scar tissue from my surgery, and I had to stop the test. Could not take the pain. Then when she finished she said let me have the head guy, whoever, look at these pictures and see if we need to take anymore.
5 mins later she comes back in with 3 doctors. The head one says they were unclear on some of the pictures and the 4 of them proceeded to do the whole damn thing again. Only this time it was the Dr. running the ultrasound and they were pressing down even harder than the tech had been. So after another 30 mins of that the grueling pain was over.
So now it is about 2:30 and I have to go back to my Dr's. office. Still freezing, but now have broken ribs, and I am starving to death. This should be quick though. Just get my scheduled time for the CT and have him tell me the results of the ultrasound and I am out the door.
If it was only that easy.
Back to the waiting room at the cancer center.
Get to an exam room at about 3:00. Sit there freezing for another HOUR before he comes in to see me. 4:00 and I am exhausted and ready to collapse. We get the CT scheduled for 9 AM Tuesday morning and a follow up appointment with him for Wednesday afternoon.
The ultrasound showed that I had significant reduction in blood flow through one of the lobes of the liver due to the blockage of the clot. It was running at around 25% normal flow. This accounts for fatigue and swelling and should be causing a host of other problems as well. He is at a loss to explain how I am able to function like I do given these results. By all conventional logic I should be on my ass 20 hours a day.
It is just sheer will and determination. I refuse to be an invalid. Worked 6 hours today (Thursday) prior to doing this posting and am pretty worn out, but it was that or sit at home all day by myself and cry about it.
Anyway back to the story.
Then he tells me that I have to back the the blood draw lab so they can get a reading on my INR. Which is how thick or this your blood is and relates to clotting.
We will need this to decide whether I can go on the blood thinning medicine or not.
So I get all my paperwork and head over to the lab to get stuck in the other arm, remembering that I was stuck in the right arm at 10:30 this morning. The lab folks were surprised to see me again, not as surprised as I was to be there myself though I can assure you.
Get my blood drawn at 4:30 and then go to the desk to check out.
Leave the hospital a battered, bruised, starved, frozen, exhausted, depressed, and generally pissed off man at 4:45.
Including driving time to and from home. This little trip was about 8 hours.
Needless to say I never made it to the eye Dr.
Now all other problems are moot until we get the liver bloodclot taken care of. This just gets better and better doesn't it? Can a guy buy a friggin break here? What do I have to do slip a little bribe money in the offering plate? I am at a loss. I honestly do not know what is around the next turn. Maybe after Wednesday next week the picture will be a little clearer.
So I leave you this week in a shell shocked, frustrated, state of confusion.
Please help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.
Good night.
I had an appointment scheduled for 11:00 Wednesday to see how my swelling was progressing and to get the "official" results of the last scan, which should have been very close to the "preliminary" results I posted last week.
I thought this was going to be a 20 min conversation, no big deal so I scheduled an eye appointment for 12:40 the same day across town.
I was going to be real slick and sneak in there a little early so I could get my blood work started and we would not have to wait on that later and I would be on easy street to get to my eye Dr. on time. Oh, how wrong can one guy be.
I left the house at 9:45, got the the hospital at 10:15. Had my blood drawn by 10:30. Had a short wait in the waiting room before getting to the exam room at 10:55. OOOH it was going so good. The day went downhill from here.
Since it was 101 degrees in Charleston with the heat index yesterday and this should just be a quick in and out, I decided to only wear regular clothes plus a winter coat into the hospital for my short consultation today and opted to leave behind my normal outfit of gloves and toboggan hat.
I did not get seen until 12:05, (1 hour 10 mins later) by then my bald head was numb from the ears up, my hands were blue and shaking and my swollen feet, blocks of engorged ice. Still have 35 mins to make it to my eye Dr., yippee, it will take me 15 mins here and 20 mins to drive, no problem.
By 12:06 I knew I was screwed.
O'Brien started out the conversation by saying "you know that blood clot in your liver?"
"No, ... what blood clot in my liver?" I responded.
"Well it got substantially larger since your April CT scan."
"What blood clot in my liver?"
"The one that has been there since September of last year."
Like I said, the day went downhill quickly.
Come to find out I have, guess what, a bloodclot, on the impathaic artery or some shit.
It is on top of and/or using an existing tumor in the liver, on that artery as an anchor. So he is very concerned about this now and thinks that it is the cause of my swelling in the legs which is a side effect of unusual liver function, and the cause of many of my other symptoms. Now the swelling is the least of our concerns. It is like worrying about getting sunburned at the beach when a 100 foot tidal wave is about to crash down on you.
So he goes on to tell me the possible problems with the bloodclot.
1. It could move to the lungs causing some huge problem I cannot remember the name of, but essentially means death.
2. I could move to the somewhere else causing some other big word and death.
3. It could stay where it is and block blood flow to this lobe of the liver and cause the tissue to die.
None of these sounds like a good scenario to me so now we have a new public enemy #1. The Liver Bloodclot.
He wants to immediately do a 3 phase CT scan on the liver specifically. This will give us much more information about it than the typical scan we did last week. Also we need to do an Ultrasound to look at the clot right now. Like today.
So I have to now wait for the transport people to take me over to the Ultrasound dept in the other building via wheelchair.
15 mins later we are on our way. It is now 12:40. I get to the ultrasound dept and wait to check in there and then have to wait in the waiting room for another half hour. If it is possible it is colder in this building than the other one.
I'm sitting there in the hallway by myself, in a wheelchair, freezing to death thinking about all the new crap I just heard in the last 30 mins and start to cry. Well this a new low point in my life. It cant get any worse than this.
Finally they call me for the ultrasound. Anyone that has had one knows that this tool they use on you is a hard plastic wand like thing. They really have to press down hard on you to get a good reading. Well where your liver is, is right behind the lower rib cage on your right side, and it goes around to the center of your stomach.
I have not one ounce of meat on my ribs. It is just skin and then bone. I swear in the 30 mins it took her to do the tests she cracked 3 ribs. Then she moved to the stomach and started pressing down on my scar tissue from my surgery, and I had to stop the test. Could not take the pain. Then when she finished she said let me have the head guy, whoever, look at these pictures and see if we need to take anymore.
5 mins later she comes back in with 3 doctors. The head one says they were unclear on some of the pictures and the 4 of them proceeded to do the whole damn thing again. Only this time it was the Dr. running the ultrasound and they were pressing down even harder than the tech had been. So after another 30 mins of that the grueling pain was over.
So now it is about 2:30 and I have to go back to my Dr's. office. Still freezing, but now have broken ribs, and I am starving to death. This should be quick though. Just get my scheduled time for the CT and have him tell me the results of the ultrasound and I am out the door.
If it was only that easy.
Back to the waiting room at the cancer center.
Get to an exam room at about 3:00. Sit there freezing for another HOUR before he comes in to see me. 4:00 and I am exhausted and ready to collapse. We get the CT scheduled for 9 AM Tuesday morning and a follow up appointment with him for Wednesday afternoon.
The ultrasound showed that I had significant reduction in blood flow through one of the lobes of the liver due to the blockage of the clot. It was running at around 25% normal flow. This accounts for fatigue and swelling and should be causing a host of other problems as well. He is at a loss to explain how I am able to function like I do given these results. By all conventional logic I should be on my ass 20 hours a day.
It is just sheer will and determination. I refuse to be an invalid. Worked 6 hours today (Thursday) prior to doing this posting and am pretty worn out, but it was that or sit at home all day by myself and cry about it.
Anyway back to the story.
Then he tells me that I have to back the the blood draw lab so they can get a reading on my INR. Which is how thick or this your blood is and relates to clotting.
We will need this to decide whether I can go on the blood thinning medicine or not.
So I get all my paperwork and head over to the lab to get stuck in the other arm, remembering that I was stuck in the right arm at 10:30 this morning. The lab folks were surprised to see me again, not as surprised as I was to be there myself though I can assure you.
Get my blood drawn at 4:30 and then go to the desk to check out.
Leave the hospital a battered, bruised, starved, frozen, exhausted, depressed, and generally pissed off man at 4:45.
Including driving time to and from home. This little trip was about 8 hours.
Needless to say I never made it to the eye Dr.
Now all other problems are moot until we get the liver bloodclot taken care of. This just gets better and better doesn't it? Can a guy buy a friggin break here? What do I have to do slip a little bribe money in the offering plate? I am at a loss. I honestly do not know what is around the next turn. Maybe after Wednesday next week the picture will be a little clearer.
So I leave you this week in a shell shocked, frustrated, state of confusion.
Please help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.
Good night.
Wow, what can I say! No matter what, you are the most incredible man I have ever EVER known in my life. You defy all reason and push forward. Please just know that we are always here for you and keep you in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.
I love you buddy!! Tammy
Anonymous, at 7:02 PM
I JUST FINISHED READING YOUR BLOG OR I SHOULD SAY YOUR MOTHER READ IT TO ME. MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU. MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU. WHO KNOWS WHAT IS NEXT EXCEPT FOR God. I weep with you Greg and we are here for you. Please just call and we will be there in a few hours. If only I could give you my strength and my health. When God created you He created a very extraordinary person. We do know His ways but I know how much He loves you and weeps with you even though it may not seem like it but I know He does. I have never talked to you like this Greg but I feel I have to for your strength. Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full into His wonderful face and know He is there. I know it because I know Him. I love you Greg. Geno
Anonymous, at 10:15 PM
My prescious son, you set new records for endurance and fortitude. You have exceeded all possible expectations - all my hopes and all my dreams for the kind of person I hoped you would become. You are are an example of what the human spirit can do in spite of all odds. Your Wed. was a terrible low in your life. Know that I share in spirit what you experience and my heart and my love is with you every moment of every day and always. Mom
Stella, at 10:26 PM
My Dearest Friend,
I am deeply saddened as I read your update. And yet I rejoice that you have not lost your humor, your will and your faith.
Our God is an awesome God and He stands at your side to fight the battle with you. He is wanting to bear most of your pain and sorrow.
I will continue to lift you up in prayer and I send you many hugs and smiles to keep you warm.
Now i leave with you a poem that a dear friend I know wrote:
Hold My Hand, Lord
My heart is heavy, my pain is so bad,
I know you're there and I'm truely glad,
But please let me feel You, in this barren land
Here I stand Lord, please hold my hand
Some have forgotten, that I need them still
I'm trying, my Father to just do Thy Will
Please show your presence, So my heart will be still
Here I stand Lord, please hold my hand
My body is failing, like a slow sinking sand
It no longer functions , at my command
The tempest is raging, My passing's at hand
Here I stand Lord, please hold my hand
Someday I will join the Heavenly Strand
I want to be singing in Heaven's Sweet Band
But until I leave Lord, Please understand
Here I stand Lord Please hold my hand
Then when I cross old Jordan's span
I will say goodbye to this wicked land
I will see you , Jesus in Sweet Gloryland
But until then Lord, please hold my hand.
feel free to email me my friend.
Anonymous, at 8:39 AM
Thanks for reminding us about our pets. 10 million animals euthanized at shelters each year.
Seriously if had a clot for over a year and Dr. didn't tell you.... you need a new doctor. Trade in your 'experts' for a doctor who cares about you.
Anonymous, at 11:02 AM
The eye doctor is the least of the concern here. The main concern was your blood clot. I agree with the previous comment, if your doctor knew about the blood clot previouslu, please seek other medical attention. That is ridiculous.
Anonymous, at 1:57 AM
I am at a loss for the right words for such a horrendous situation as that which you are facing and have faced with such courage and optimism and humor for over five years. My hat is off to you. But mostly my prayers are with you.
One of my favorite promises comes from Deut 29. "As thy days, so shall thy strength be...and underneath are the everlasting arms." I would say that your last five years are living proof that God has been giving you strength when you would have had none without Him. My prayer is that He will continue to strengthen you, both physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually as long as He allows this unimaginable ordeal to continue with its endless downward spiral.
Your story reminds me of Job. He had so many catastrophes come upon him. However, I don't believe they lasted so long. He never knew that his life would be an example that would be an encouragement to so many millions of people down through the ages. Your story is not part of the Bible. However, it is written in the record books of heaven and I believe your courage is and will continue to be a source of encouragement to all who read or hear of it when they face the roadblocks and hazards of life that Satan is wont to strew in all our paths.
May God continue to strengthen you and uphold you with His righteous right arm and hold you in the hollow of His hand. You will continue to be in my prayers.
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM
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