Round 2 of Act 2 Chemo, Continued.
I take back all the good things I said about this medicine regimen in previous postings.
This one is absolutely kicking my ass this week.
Coming home tonight at 6 from the session, I don't think I have ever been in so much pain.
Cindy was driving and by the time we were halfway up I-26 I was without a seat belt, squatting in the passenger seat with my feet on the seat and my legs underneath me leaning forward holding onto the ceiling handle. It was the most comfortable spot I could find. And even then I was literally howling in pain every 60 seconds or so and having to hold my breath for 30 second intervals.
I went straight upstairs to soak in the bath when we got home and never came back down again. Went to bed and writhed in pain there as well. Took all the pain medicine I could and even sleeping pills. Obviously things are still not quite acceptable as I am writing this at 2AM.
Anyway please pray for me, I am really going through the shit this week.
I cant imagine that I have 2 more days of this, I think it really might kill me. The swelling has continued to increase and is up to the top of my thighs now. I look like an oompa loompa from the first Willy Wonka movie, or maybe the girl that swelled up like a blueberry. It is happening in my stomach as well. Looks like I am carrying a beach ball under my shirt, but my arms are still skinny as twigs. The pressure caused by the swelling stomach is the worst of the pains I am experiencing. It is literally pushing on the other organs in my abdominal cavity.
My kidneys are taking the brunt of it. I get shooting pains in them like they are being kicked, but I have not moved or twitched, and they are not full or inflamed. It is just the pushing pressure of the stomach retaining water with no place left to expand. If I can relieve myself of any water or bowel movements or have a great series of burps the pressure slightly recedes and my kidneys get a break for a few mins until the pressure builds up again. (sorry to get graphic) It is a constant battle to just keep from having to scream in pain.
Funny thing is, (not that funny) this is just a stupid side effect of the dumb medicine that I have to take, to attempt to do some good against the major problem I am fighting. I sometimes feel like I am losing ground. This battle is bigger than I am. There are layers upon layers of problems to fight through. Everyday tasks such as stairs or getting dressed have become MAJOR challenges that leave me breathless and in need of a nap after completion. Thinking of doing any kind of chore, or just going to the store is a completely impossible task right now. A first grader could strong arm rob me and I would have no defense. I feel so helpless and weak and USELESS.
My mind is still there and churning and thinking and plotting possible moves at work and wanting to do house work and thinking of Christmas presents I need to get, but I cannot carry any of that out. I kind of wish they would slap me with a stupid pill or something to turn my mind down as my body goes down. Then when I a feeling better I could stop taking it and have my sharp senses again.
Concerning the pain, I try to put on the strongest face possible when around people so that they are not exposed to the darker side of this, but when they leave the room, I grimace or gasp or pant for breath or have to lean over with my hands on my knees and rest, or sit immediately or lay down or whatever. It is like holding in your stomach at the beach when a pretty girl walks by, and as soon as her back is turned releasing your gut.
I do that all day when around anyone but Cindy, who I have just about given up hiding anything from. If you ever see an outward visual indication that I am not doing good, multiply that by the factor of how much you think I can fake. If I can't hide it from you, it is really bad right then. That is why it is always strange to hear people at work say, "boy you are looking good today", or "well, you look healthy". It is a double edged sword to hear that. I am glad I can look good for them, but then again when I have to go home so much do they think I am faking, because I sure looked fine to them?
Sorry to go on, but this is what goes through my head at 2AM when I am feeling shitty.
Of course all of you know I am here to help you in anyway I can, I just do not have as many talents as I used to, like being able to come to your house and fix something. But I am always here to listen and offer any advice I can on any topic. It is the least I can do to return your kindness, and as you know I honestly love helping people, I find it very rewarding. It is something I really miss being able to do in this condition, and I am afraid that people do not want to bother me with their problems out of respect for what I am dealing with.
I just hope to have some long run improvement soon, if there is nothing good coming from all this pain it will be quite an emotional blow, not to mention a big step towards that final IRS audit in the sky. I am going to have to face that possibility more an more seriously if this regimen of medicine does not work. We are running out of options pretty quickly on treatment and cure. Lets jump off that bridge when we come to it. Right now I have to focus on the small battles, day to day. If I win all the small ones, I have to win the war right? That is what I keep telling myself anyway.
If you leave comments on the posting, please, please sign it so I know who you are.
Even if you think I should know it is you, from what you said, but sometimes I really cannot tell.
Stay Safe.
This one is absolutely kicking my ass this week.
Coming home tonight at 6 from the session, I don't think I have ever been in so much pain.
Cindy was driving and by the time we were halfway up I-26 I was without a seat belt, squatting in the passenger seat with my feet on the seat and my legs underneath me leaning forward holding onto the ceiling handle. It was the most comfortable spot I could find. And even then I was literally howling in pain every 60 seconds or so and having to hold my breath for 30 second intervals.
I went straight upstairs to soak in the bath when we got home and never came back down again. Went to bed and writhed in pain there as well. Took all the pain medicine I could and even sleeping pills. Obviously things are still not quite acceptable as I am writing this at 2AM.
Anyway please pray for me, I am really going through the shit this week.
I cant imagine that I have 2 more days of this, I think it really might kill me. The swelling has continued to increase and is up to the top of my thighs now. I look like an oompa loompa from the first Willy Wonka movie, or maybe the girl that swelled up like a blueberry. It is happening in my stomach as well. Looks like I am carrying a beach ball under my shirt, but my arms are still skinny as twigs. The pressure caused by the swelling stomach is the worst of the pains I am experiencing. It is literally pushing on the other organs in my abdominal cavity.
My kidneys are taking the brunt of it. I get shooting pains in them like they are being kicked, but I have not moved or twitched, and they are not full or inflamed. It is just the pushing pressure of the stomach retaining water with no place left to expand. If I can relieve myself of any water or bowel movements or have a great series of burps the pressure slightly recedes and my kidneys get a break for a few mins until the pressure builds up again. (sorry to get graphic) It is a constant battle to just keep from having to scream in pain.
Funny thing is, (not that funny) this is just a stupid side effect of the dumb medicine that I have to take, to attempt to do some good against the major problem I am fighting. I sometimes feel like I am losing ground. This battle is bigger than I am. There are layers upon layers of problems to fight through. Everyday tasks such as stairs or getting dressed have become MAJOR challenges that leave me breathless and in need of a nap after completion. Thinking of doing any kind of chore, or just going to the store is a completely impossible task right now. A first grader could strong arm rob me and I would have no defense. I feel so helpless and weak and USELESS.
My mind is still there and churning and thinking and plotting possible moves at work and wanting to do house work and thinking of Christmas presents I need to get, but I cannot carry any of that out. I kind of wish they would slap me with a stupid pill or something to turn my mind down as my body goes down. Then when I a feeling better I could stop taking it and have my sharp senses again.
Concerning the pain, I try to put on the strongest face possible when around people so that they are not exposed to the darker side of this, but when they leave the room, I grimace or gasp or pant for breath or have to lean over with my hands on my knees and rest, or sit immediately or lay down or whatever. It is like holding in your stomach at the beach when a pretty girl walks by, and as soon as her back is turned releasing your gut.
I do that all day when around anyone but Cindy, who I have just about given up hiding anything from. If you ever see an outward visual indication that I am not doing good, multiply that by the factor of how much you think I can fake. If I can't hide it from you, it is really bad right then. That is why it is always strange to hear people at work say, "boy you are looking good today", or "well, you look healthy". It is a double edged sword to hear that. I am glad I can look good for them, but then again when I have to go home so much do they think I am faking, because I sure looked fine to them?
Sorry to go on, but this is what goes through my head at 2AM when I am feeling shitty.
Of course all of you know I am here to help you in anyway I can, I just do not have as many talents as I used to, like being able to come to your house and fix something. But I am always here to listen and offer any advice I can on any topic. It is the least I can do to return your kindness, and as you know I honestly love helping people, I find it very rewarding. It is something I really miss being able to do in this condition, and I am afraid that people do not want to bother me with their problems out of respect for what I am dealing with.
I just hope to have some long run improvement soon, if there is nothing good coming from all this pain it will be quite an emotional blow, not to mention a big step towards that final IRS audit in the sky. I am going to have to face that possibility more an more seriously if this regimen of medicine does not work. We are running out of options pretty quickly on treatment and cure. Lets jump off that bridge when we come to it. Right now I have to focus on the small battles, day to day. If I win all the small ones, I have to win the war right? That is what I keep telling myself anyway.
If you leave comments on the posting, please, please sign it so I know who you are.
Even if you think I should know it is you, from what you said, but sometimes I really cannot tell.
Stay Safe.
I can tell by the lack of responses to your post that your honesty and very clear pain is felt by all of us that love you so very much. Hearing your very real anguish is one of the most difficult things I have experienced. Can you imagine??! Listening is painful for ME? Gee, talk about a wimp!!! However, thank you for trusting enough to be so very honest with your experiences. I would give anything to be with you during this time. With that not being possible your descriptive writings and thoughts allow me to be as close as a keyboard.
This horrible bully of a disease and the treatment to fight it is beyond my understanding. I now understand those that have told me the treatment is many times the most difficult thing to endure. Your descriptions sure sound as though this notion is true. Amazing too that there are blessed times of relief, however brief.
Greg, one thing you have never given yourself credit for is the GIANT of a man you are!! How in the world can you possibly think of others, work, Christmas gifts, fixing things for us, etc. when you are experiencing such pain? You are a person of such unbelievable integrity and strength you truly take my breath! I do understand, maybe more than most, the need for independence. While physical independence is on hold at the moment, you are providing a very real independence by your sharing your experiences. Don’t ever ever discount the effect your words may have on someone. An action many times does not carry the effect of words nor can it make the life altering impression that words can make. Making a real change and contribution to even one person is the height of independence. You, my precious brother, are as tall as they come!!!
Yes, small battles are how the wars are won. Keep battling on and know that the support and prayers to keep you in full ammunition are in abundance.
You have my heart!!! Tammy
Anonymous, at 12:57 AM
Dearest Greg,
As I sit at this computer with tears streaming down my face and crying out to our Heavenly Father on your behalf, let me again tell you what an amazing young man you are.
Your sister so beautifully expressed how deeply you have touched my life and what a blessing you are.
My heart, my thoughts, my prayers.
I am heading for West Virginia this weekend to see my Dad (87); you will be in my prayers daily. God be with you and hold you close.
Love and prayers, Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
My precious Greg,
Your experience shows what a blessing it is not to know our future. Living through one day at a time is problem enough. When you feel all alone through the dark watches of the night, know that those who love you are with you in spirit. Angels attending you, weep for what they witness you going through. I love you more than you will ever know. Mom
Stella, at 12:42 PM
Dear Greg: I am so sorry for all you are going through. I want you to know that I will do anything for you I can to help ease your burden. I guess the 23rd Psalm is really a part of your life. Just remember That God who was with David is also with you. We don t know the reasons for all of what is taking place in our lives but we know that one day we will know through God's love. My prayers are with you and anytime you need me call.
Love Geno
Stella, at 1:32 PM
Hey Buddy! TGIF for sure!!!!!!! What an incredible week you have had and thank goodness it is now over. I read your blog last night and really was at a loss of what to say. I think Tam summed up so much of what I was feeling as well. It takes a while to digest everything that you go through. I guess you really don't know you're own strength until you're put into a situation, and buddy, you've had to endure more than anyone should!!! "I'll take a break for 25 please Chuck!" Geez Louise! Anyway. Know that you are always in our thoughts!!! Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated no matter what the news of the day seems to be. We'll talk again soon. Love to Cindy, Ricky, Lucy, and Amber!!! Love ya sweet Hershey Breath!, Michelle
Anonymous, at 7:37 PM
Keep up the good work.
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM
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