Small Procedure
Has been a busy few weeks medically.
I had a brain scan earlier this month, but did not want to worry anybody prematurely about it. So I did not tell anybody I was having it done.
There have been some weird sensations in head and after talking with the Dr. we decided a CT scan of the brain was needed. Anyway it came back clear, no brain tumors or anything like that. So we think the issue is chemical in nature and just some kind of hormone that the cancer cells are giving off as they mature.
Next we decided to do a small procedure on Monday (today) to take the excess fluid out of my stomach and give me some pressure relief. I was looking like a pregnant woman and was having bad pains sitting up or changing positions. Some days it was so bad I was bed ridden.
I did not know that this was even an option, but what we did was do 3 shots in my stomach to numb the area, and then went in with a thick needle through the stomach lining wall and into the fluid layer. From there they just sucked out all the excess fluid they could.
You would not believe how much came out. I was thinking they would get a pint or maybe two pints of fluid. Oh no, try 4.5 Liters.
That's right, this is not a typo 4.5 liters. Imagine 2, two liter bottles of Pepsi and then a quarter of another 2 liter bottle. It was so much I had to take a picture of it because no body would believe me. Here is the proof. 

Unbelievable huh?
They did it in the ultrasound department and in real time they were monitoring where the needle was and how much fluid was left to drain. It was cool to watch it on the screen as they did it.
From there I was supposed to go over to the cancer center and get a transfusion of blood. They were supposed to put in 2 pints of new oxygenated blood.
Well, we tried to get the IV in and after 3 horrible sticks in the right arm and 2 blown veins, we moved to the left arm. My right arm is completely destroyed, bruised beyond belief as they tried to maneuver the needle into the vein after piercing the skin by coming in from the side. I was kicking my legs and barley holding back the most voracious series of sware words ever heard by human ears. We had to beg them to stop and take the needle out.
Moving on to the right arm and another nurse. The same exact thing happened. I absolutely was at my wits end. Keep in mind I had already been given 3 shots in the ultrasound dept to numb the area, and then the big puncture with the extraction needle that pierced the stomach wall, that one was the worst pain of the day despite all the numbing medication they pumped in.
So after those 4 pricks, and 3 in the right arm and now 1 in the left arm, I was up to 8 stabs of my skin in one day.
That was it, I pulled the plug and said to hell with the transfusion I am going home. Oh, give us one more chance, screw you, I am out of here. Never have I refused treatment before, and I have sat through some horrific experiences, but the transfusion was elective and supposed to make me feel better. Well, this did not feel better. I got up and left.
So I am enjoying my birth of about 10 pounds of water and having much less pressure in my stomach. It really does feel better. But I missed out on the transfusion. Maybe another day.
That was my fun for today, I do not have anything else set up until we start the next Chemo round on Jan. 7th.
That is it for today.
Merry Christmas if I don't post again until after then.
Hi Bud, Wow, what a day and a half!!!!!!
How many lbs of water would that be? Most babies aren't that big.
Ohhhh mama!!!!!!
It would be more humane to knock you out before trying to give you a blood transfusion. Then wake up and it would be done. That is just crazy! I think I would opt for laughing gas.
Hang in there bud - glad you are feeling better from getting rid of all that fluid - seeing is truly believing.
Love you, Mom
Stella, at 6:23 PM
WOW!! This is incredible!!! I thought I understood your pain, but this tells the story like no explanation can!! I am so happy this is over and hope this will provide you with some much needed relief. I wish they could do the same with your legs.
I am so happy that you got a clear result with your test today. I know that was also a relief. Hopefully this brief time off your treatment will stop some of these side effects.
As always, thank you for the updates. You are always on my mind and hearing what is going on brings you closer to me!!
I love you!! Tammy
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM
Dear Greg,
Just the Auntie checking in to say hello...
Oh how I pray your treatment experiences will spare you the agony that you have had to put up with. But, how grateful I am that we are able to be a part of your day-to-day stuff.
I am so thankful that you have the good news about our brain scan. Don't know what you are feeling in that brain of yours, but I would suspect overactivity of the brain cells as the cause. Claim's yours.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas planned, with lots of friends and family to share it with.
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 11:29 AM
Oh my precious uncle...Im so incredibly sorry that they put you through all that. I totally agree with Granny it would be alot more humane of them to at the very least put you under for the time being but then again there is no telling why they dont. Im terribly sorry you continue to go through this pain but am thankful for the release you have as I know you are too. Anyway, I want you to know that I think about you every day and that I am very proud of you for having such strength. Lord knows I couldnt go through what you do. I love you very much and hope that you have a wonderful Christmas.
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM
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