Early March
Hi Everyone,
We just got back Saturday from our cruise out of Charleston. It was great and relaxing. The food sucked in general, but that is really my only complaint from the cruise. Many would say that the food is the main focus of a cruise, if this is the case for you I would recommend staying away from the Norwegian Majesty.
If you just want a quiet ship with mostly Senior patrons, and a nice relaxing week, they you will be happy on this ship. The sit down restaurants where they actually come around and serve you were really not that bad and we had some meals there that bordered on great. But all the other food (buffet, room service, walk up grill, deli station etc.) were so bad that it more than offset the good meals we did have.
It was good for both of us overall. We came back looking the best we had in years. Everyone at my work commented on how healthy I looked, and I felt rejuvenated.
Cindy and I did a trip on Grand Cayman Island to go swim with the wild stingrays on this sand bar about 20 mins off the island. The water was beautiful and the stingrays were so tame and docile, they would literally swim right up to you and you could hold and pet them.
As far as the medical update goes. I start Chemo on Monday the 10th. We did a bone scan on Monday to check for bone cancer because of the 2 growths that are there on the vertebrae, but I have not gotten the results yet. I should have had them by now, but you know how it goes.
I have been having a hell of a time with water retention and pitting edema this week. I got drained on Monday (after the bone scan) and they took out 2.5 liters of fluid. By Tuesday night I was completely full and swollen again. Just over 24 hours, and I had more fluid than I did before the drain. So I don't know what has been going on with that. But I have had to triple the prescribed dosage of lasiks to keep up with it. That means up every 30 mins to pee, and thus no sleep. I did not sleep 1 min on Wednesday night. So I only did double dosage Thursday night and got more sleep but I woke up with legs so swollen I could not bend my knees.
I am going to try to get a drain done unscheduled as soon as possible.
That is really all that is going on now, just going to do Chemo on Monday and start my cycle again. Still doing the fire water shot every night. That is just a nightmare. Both of us are nervous wrecks each night before during and after the shot is given.
Hope you all have a good week,
I am so happy we could be there so you could have this much needed get-away. Our Charleston vacation was great too. We miss the doggies.
Hope you get the fluid retention under control.... always something new.
Love to you and Cindy. Mom
Stella, at 12:22 PM
The s l o w e r you can give those 'firewater shots,' the less they will sting. I have given them as a nurse for many years, and that's what my patients all said.
God bless,
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM
Hi Greg -- you both look wonderful, and seems like you need to take a cruise more often!!
This is Alice Annandale once again sending love and MANY prayers from all around the world to you from the many people praying for you.
God bless you both.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM
Glad your'e back and that you had fun and rest. Sounds like you areback to a schedule of whirling-chemo, shots, drains, no sleep, etc. You're a trooper- we wish we could each take one of these burdens off of you. I'll volunteer for the shots- think of me when you do those am imagine me getting them for you each time. Hang in there-- we love you!
Ellen and Larry
Anonymous, at 10:24 PM
Hi Greg,
I LOVE the picture of you and Cindy!! Your smiles say it all. I am so happy you did this for yourselves!!!
I pray this next round of chemo will go smoothly and that you will be able to get some relief from the terrible water retention too.
I love you and Cindy to the MAX!!
Anonymous, at 12:29 AM
Hi Greg,
Just the unrelated Auntie Phyl checking in on you again.
WOW...sea, sun and your sweetheart at your side, sounds pretty good to me. A cheese sandwich would be good under those conditions for this old lady.
Love the pictures, not so sure about the stingray thing!
On my mind, in my heart and prayers.
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM
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