Last Chapter
This will be the last chapter in Greg's story. Sadly he isn't here to write it. As you may or may not know, Greg passed away on February 3rd. In early January he was admitted to the hospital because of dehydration, not eating, and an infection. He was so very weak going in and coming out he was stable and alert, but still extremely weak. He was able to visit with all of his family and mine. A week after being home he stopped eating again, and jaundice set in. His whole body was slowly shutting down. He slept most of the time and didn't really communicate the last 4 days. Then on that Tuesday he quietly slipped away.
I'd like to thank all of our family, friends, medical staff, and other readers for all of their encouragement over the past few years. The blog and your sweet notes of support helped keep Greg going through the difficult times he had.
Greg and I were fortunate to have as much time as we did together. Knowing this day would come sometime hasn't made his passing any easier. I'll miss him until the end of time. He was and is the love of my life, there are none that will ever compare to him.
I'll love you forever Greg.
Cindy Hill
I'd like to thank all of our family, friends, medical staff, and other readers for all of their encouragement over the past few years. The blog and your sweet notes of support helped keep Greg going through the difficult times he had.
Greg and I were fortunate to have as much time as we did together. Knowing this day would come sometime hasn't made his passing any easier. I'll miss him until the end of time. He was and is the love of my life, there are none that will ever compare to him.
I'll love you forever Greg.
Cindy Hill
Dear Cindy,
You are a champion amoang women --- and I salute you for your wonderful support and love for Greg --- love like you had does not always come along, how wonderful that you have memories of Greg and that you could have enjoyed the time you had together.
God bless you,
Alice Annandale (friend of Stella Young)
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
Dear Cindy,
You have been in my prayers. The Thursday night before he died I was driving to the grocery store about 8:45 PM and just started crying as my thoughts went to you guys. I had serious prayer for both of you as I parked in the Walmart Parking lot.
I go to church with Stella and Gene. I know they are heavy with grief. Our hearts go out to all of you.
hugs and wishes of God's comfort,
Ashley Gibbs
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM
I have temporarily lost my son, for I know we will have eternity together. Thanks to Greg, I have Cindy for a daughter and no mother could ask for more. She is the very best God could give Greg -the cream of the crop. I proudly claim her - she is our joy-she was Greg's all, the light & love of his life.
We love you Cindy,
Gene & Stella
Anonymous, at 11:01 PM
i miss him too Cindy.. everyday i got sumtin new i want to tell Greg or ask him about. It just aint the same anymore, never will be. i never knew what to say, and what not to say. wasnt sure if he wanted to talk about it or if he just wanted to talk about other things to keep his mind off it for a few mins. I tended to talk about other things unless he brought it up. now i feel that i missed so much of the details that would let me know more how soon this could happen. so many regrets. i miss my friend so much.
the two of you were good together, but i still dont know how you ever drove with Greg in the car, the back seat driving would drive anyone nuts. fond memories, pleasent ones.
take care cindy
much love
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM
You were both so lucky to have each were each other's rock. We have been thinking about you every day, and will always remember Greg for his incredible humor, charm, and sentimentality. No one loved Christmas like Greg, and no one knows how to laugh like Greg did.
We are sending you hugs and prayers each day...
Much Love,
Kristin and Chris
Kristin and Chris, at 11:06 PM
I only knew of you and Greg through Tondi but my heart absolutely went out to both of you. Seeing the pictures of Greg on the bike with Jeff was great and I am so glad he was able to enjoy that time. May the Lord bless and keep you and I know you will be with Greg later. Keep the faith
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM
Dear Cindy,
I am a friend of Tondi and Jeff's, and Tondi has tried to keep us updated about Greg. You may have heard her speak about her friends from Cherryville, and the Fast Way Motorcycle Club. We see them at Jeff and Tondi at least twice a year (at Maggie Valley) and love them dearly. I am so glad yall got to visit with them over the holidays, and that Greg got to ride on Jeff's motorcyle. You sound like a wonderful person, and a loving wife. I would like to offer you our condolences on behalf of the club. You and Tondi, and the rest of the family are in my thoughts and prayers.
May God bless and keep you,
Joy Dellinger
Anonymous, at 10:07 AM
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