Tons of info
We pick up our story at the next Dr.s office visit and stomach drain......
Well the Dr. approved the dental work to be done, so the appointment was set and relatively uneventful. They did a very good job on the 6 teeth we had to drill right now, but surely we have more to do in the coming months. If you are looking for a good dentist in the Charleston area, I strongly recommend Dr. Don Ahern in Mt. Pleasant.
I had not been to a dentist for many years, and was terrified of them from a horrible childhood experience. The first time I went to Dr. Ahern I was put completely at ease. I have been going like clockwork every 6 months for the last 12 years. He will conquer your fears.
During my office visit with the oncologist, he recommended doing a blood transfusion as my hemoglobin had been consistently low and dropping. So we set that up to be done the week at the end of the dental work. During that one week, Monday and Thursday I had dental work done, Wednesday I had a stomach drain done. The next week I had Chemo all week.
Wednesday during chemo we drained 4 liters of fluid out of my stomach.
Friday (yes 2 days later) we took another 4 liters. 8 liters in 48 hours.
This morning (Saturday), less than 24 hours later my stomach was fully extended again.
I think we could do 3 liters a day if that was possible.
Also on Friday we did 4 hours worth of blood transfusion. Then the regular chemo treatment of 3 hours.
So we were there from 9 until 5:45 Friday, either taking something out or putting something in. I feel like a robot. Little did I know what was to come over the weekend.
This had been an incredibly bad chemo week.
I felt the worst Friday that I think I have ever felt coming off of chemo. This was every bit as bad as the first session we ever did.Absolutely no energy, cant stand by myself, fever, stomach pain through the roof. Incredible headache.
Good news I was able to sleep, I had no choice.
Sunday morning when I woke up the pain and redness had spread down my left leg to the mid thigh. I immediately thought that this could be a moving blood clot and decided to get into the hospital now. So I paged the Dr. for the first time in my life and it happened to be Memorial Day weekend. Luckily enough he was the only call Dr. on rotation that week. He told me to get in right away. By the time i got the hospital I could not put any weight at all on my left leg because of the pain.
They started doing tests right away on me. Upon arrival nobody had any idea what it was and what was happening. So we just did tests to start ruling things out. During Sunday the redness and pain epicenter continued to move down my left leg. We used a magic marker do track its progress. By Monday morning it had gone down all the way to my foot. the pain was excruciating. I was having to be basically carried the 5 steps from the bed to the bathroom.
My sister Wendi came down to help take care of me so that Cindy could take breaks of about 4 hours during the day to take a shower at home and play with the dogs a little. Then Cindy wold come back and spend each night in the recliner in the room with me. I was there for 8 days. It must be miserable for her sleep there, but she would never complain.
On a side note to tally my time having some kind of medical treatment 16 of the last 18 days I saw somebody for some kind of treatment.
We got home Sunday evening after my long imprisonment in the the hospital being woken up every 2 hours each night for vital signs or some other stupid reason by the staff.
I went to sleep and pretty much did not get up at all, all night.
Then Cindy stayed home with me Monday and both of us slept almost all of the day.
I only woke up for her to put food in my mouth, and to go to the bathroom.
So Tuesday was really my first day of consciousness.
I was still having real difficulty getting up, sitting up, and standing.
Standing moves the blood into my bad leg and I can still feel every inch of the blood moving in.
It throbs with each heartbeat. I am laying with my legs elevated at all other times.
I do have a new toy to help me though.
We bought a walker. It really makes a difference having two hand braces to walk with rather than just a cane. It has many compartments and bags attached, and it even has a seat for me to rest on when I need a break from standing or walking.
I am zipping around the house to and from the bathroom and kitchen pretty good with its help.
I just need to get a cup holder mounted on it now.
Continued to very slowly improve over the next week then had 3 days of relapse of some kind.
I survived 2 days off of just a peach for breakfast on day 1. I tried to eat dinner on day 2 at 9pm and threw it up after about 10 bites. I have not thrown up in a long time.
I have been sleeping all day these days. Not kidding.
Monday after sleeping all night I woke up for 5 mins to say goodbye to Cindy and go to the bathroom at 7am.
Immediately back to sleep.
At about 10am I got up to let the dogs out and went potty again, watched 30 mins of TV and fell asleep until 1pm.
Let the dogs out at 1pm and tried to eat a yogurt. By the time I got back to the couch I had lost all appetite, and did not even open the lid.
Went back to sleep instead. So tired I could do absolutely nothing else. Slept until 4:30 when Cindy called. Went back to sleep after hanging up until she came home. Then slept again until 8:30pm.
So I was awake like an hour all day total.
I did get down a scrambled egg, another peach and a string cheese for dinner on the third day so that is a good sign. I should be eating about 5 foot long subs. I have no idea what is going on with me.
I only drank a 20 ounce Gatorade all day as well, so I am probably dehydrated.
I am so weak at some times I can't lift my arms higher than horizontal.
My leg was doing much better, only hurt to walk, and that seemed to get less and less painful each day, but the infection had effected my whole body in other ways as well.
Both legs were still very weak and I do not dare walk without the walker to hold onto.
I was still getting dizzy almost immediately when I stood up and have to sit in the walker and rest if up for more than a min or so.
Frustrating that I am so slow in getting my strength back, but those last 3 days I had actually gotten weaker.
Thursday I was able to eat at least a little something for 3 meals and kept it all down.
Had a cream cheese lenders frozen bagel for breakfast.
A microwave corn dog and a little left over mac and cheese for lunch.
A peach for a snack, and Ramen soup and a piece of toast for dinner.
I know it is not covering all the nutritional needs, but anything is an improvement right now.
Have a stomach drain 9 am Friday, somehow I am about to pop with fluid.
It seems that there is a manufacturing plant in there that does not require raw materials that generates this stomach fluid.
I have been tracking my intake and output and there is no explanation as to why I would be retaining water.
Things were pretty quiet over the next few days then we had a drain on Wednesday.
Have felt like such shit the previous 2 days I had not even gotten out of bed.
Do not know what is wrong with me. Had been throwing up frequently too.
Not eating barely at all, and was nearly blacking out when I tried to stand up.
Thank God for the walker, or I might not be able to make it to the bathroom.
Have no idea where this comes from.
Do not worry though, this kind of thing happens all the time.
I just go through these spells.
We had a CAT scan done the next Tuesday and I got the results back from my CAT scan on Wednesday during my last stomach drain.
This is the scan we do to come up with our long term plan and determine big picture stuff.
Well I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
Cindy and I both had our reservations about this test and were prepared for the worst.
I have been continually feeling bad, and having bad times come harder and more frequently lately over the last few months.
Somehow I can not come up with any energy whatsoever and have weakened dramatically.
So we really thought there was progression of the cancer and that something new must be going wrong or an existing tumor had grown aggressively.
The results showed that almost all of the spots we were watching maintained their size and had not developed any farther.
Nor were there any new growths to speak of that they could identify.
One of the plethora of tumors actually shrank some. It is located on my adrenal gland and has shrunk in length from 2.5 cm to 2.0 cm, while maintaining the same width of 1.5 cm. But this is a very minor one.
None of the really important tumors or blood clots reduced in size but they did not get any bigger.
So the overall treatment has been positive over the last 3 months.
We will call this a victory and continue with the same treatment plan.
So Chemo started up again on Monday the 7th.
End of the week of Chemo now and have a white blood cell booster shot scheduled for 4:30 this afternoon. Then finally I can get some rest and try to recover from the Chemo treatment. All seems to be quiet now and we will continue the grind.
So our caped crusader survived the trials of the last month. What new surprises await Mr. Hill this month, only time will tell. Whatever it is will of course be another interesting story full of peaks and valleys. Armed only with determination and his superhero boxer shorts our hero ventures again into the unknown. Until next time diligent readers God be with you.
Hi Dear Greg!!
What a post!!! I know the daily goings on have been so hard, but to see it all spelled out in it's entirety has to be overwhelming. The strength you have had to have just to keep up with all that happens is amazing. Your journey down this path from 5 years prior to now is truly a testament to your strength of character and your faith.
I love you Greg!!
Anonymous, at 3:41 PM
Wow Greg,
That was an incredible post. I can't imagine being able to keep track of all that stuff, much less trying to live it. It is like watching a boxing match. One guy keeps taking all the punches, but the opponent just can't knock him out. You are truly my amazing Greg. And behind every good man there is a good woman. Cindy is just as amazing. You guys are an unbetable team and I adore you both.
There can be no other explanation than this:
"Sometimes the Lord calms the storm; Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child."
No human could go through what you have gone through without holding the hand of God. He has truly brought you THROUGH.
Oh by the way, you are a wonderful writer - I still think you need to write a book with that special GH flare that only you can do.
We pray for the best of times to be there for you.
You are so loved and appreciated. Mom
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM
I know how much you hate having to call the phone list and tell people the same story over and over, annnnd next thing you know your exhausted and still have more people to call but damn man :(
I had no idea any of this was going on :(
I have to say greg that you are definatly my hero. Keep fighting and I'll keep praying and please definatly tell me if there is ever anything I can do.
I Love and miss you and Cindy so much,
Anonymous, at 9:02 PM
Hey Buddy. Well, you certainly have been throught it! I hope this is the week for rest, relaxation, and recovery from all you have had to endure. May you find peace and comfort this week. I love you sweet Greg! Kisses and hugs to that Wonder woman Cindy! Love ya, Michelle
Anonymous, at 10:59 AM
Hi there Greg!
What an amazing detail and keeping track of so many things happening in your life. You are one very strong willed person and we are keeping you in prayer all around the world with our International Prayer Ministry. Folks all send much love and pray for your strength and courage and also for that wonderful woman in your life --Cindy. She also deserves much applause for her stamina and support for you. God bless you in a very special way ---
Alice Annandale (Stella's friend)
Anonymous, at 3:58 PM
Hey Greg, I have no words of wisdom, no scriptures in mind, no magic cure or genie bottle at my disposal. I sure wish i did buddy. however, i do have prayers... I pray that my brother will make it though all this torment and live to testify in God's Name. I pray that my hero be spared and given the strength to fight this final battle, and that Good Shall overcome Evil.
Keep fighting my friend...
Much Love Brother
"Battles Are Fought By Those With The Courage To Believe..." ManOwaR
Anonymous, at 11:26 AM
Hi, Greg--it's 11 PM so short and sweet, here it comes. I wish this would all settle down to a trickle of mild discomfort. I don't know how you keep it up. I recently saw this saying and thought it was the best I have ever heard for words of wisdom: "GOD DOESN'T GIVE YOU 'WHAT YOU CAN HANDLE', HE
HELPS YOU HANDLE WHAT YOU'RE GIVEN". You must be on an hourly conversation with God- he says Greg, I'llhelp you handle this, too. When we are so amazed by your strength, it is a reflection of the strength God has sent to you.
We love you, Greg!!!
Mom and Dad- Delaware style
Anonymous, at 10:59 PM
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