5th Iteration August
Hey Everybody,
Halfway through my 5th iteration of Chemo Pills. Started the “bad” pill last night. Will be taking that one for 5 days. Only had one bad day this week, Wednesday. So still pleased with having 6 pretty decent days during this week.
Getting excited about the upcoming CAT-Scan on Sept 13th. I am really expecting to hear some good results.
Got an incredible burst of energy yesterday. Mowed the whole lawn, then Cindy left for work. While she was gone, I weed-ate the whole lawn, edged the grass around the sidewalks, driveway, and street. Used the leaf blower to cleanout the grass, cobwebs, and crud in the garage. Used the blower to clean off the front porch, sidewalks, driveway, and street debris. Then moved inside. Vacuumed the whole bottom floor. Used spot cleaner to remove every spot from the carpet in the whole house. (Woolite Oxy Deep, have not found a spot yet that this cannot completely destroy, and I have 3 dogs, it gets my highest rating, see picture.)
Brushed the dogs. Cleaned off all the dog hair from the couches. Did 2 loads of laundry. Steam cleaned the carpets on the bottom floor. Cleaned out the dog beds. Then Cindy came home from work. I moved upstairs and cleaned out and reorganized my closet. Wrapped a wedding present. Cleaned out the storage closet upstairs. Started a new good-will pile. Cleaned the tubs in the guest bath and master bath. Then took a shower. I have no idea where all that came from, but it was good to get some stuff done. We have been in this house less than a year, how can it get so dirty so quick?
So today I plan on taking it easy, but may have to go do some shopping errands. Anyway things are good right now. Sleep has been my biggest problem this week. Had to sleep on the floor last night because my back hurt so bad. Must have been from all the activity.
Ricky Lucy and Amber say hi.
Love to all,
Halfway through my 5th iteration of Chemo Pills. Started the “bad” pill last night. Will be taking that one for 5 days. Only had one bad day this week, Wednesday. So still pleased with having 6 pretty decent days during this week.
Getting excited about the upcoming CAT-Scan on Sept 13th. I am really expecting to hear some good results.
Got an incredible burst of energy yesterday. Mowed the whole lawn, then Cindy left for work. While she was gone, I weed-ate the whole lawn, edged the grass around the sidewalks, driveway, and street. Used the leaf blower to cleanout the grass, cobwebs, and crud in the garage. Used the blower to clean off the front porch, sidewalks, driveway, and street debris. Then moved inside. Vacuumed the whole bottom floor. Used spot cleaner to remove every spot from the carpet in the whole house. (Woolite Oxy Deep, have not found a spot yet that this cannot completely destroy, and I have 3 dogs, it gets my highest rating, see picture.)

So today I plan on taking it easy, but may have to go do some shopping errands. Anyway things are good right now. Sleep has been my biggest problem this week. Had to sleep on the floor last night because my back hurt so bad. Must have been from all the activity.
Ricky Lucy and Amber say hi.

OK Mighty Man,
If you share this note with many more people, you are going to be mobbed. I haven't had that much energy in a week since I was in my 30s.
Can't tell you how happy I am to hear how much better this round of chemo pills is going for you.
I lift you in prayer regularly and have asked that you be prayed for each Sabbath that our Intercessary Prayer Ministry is in service.
I will be hitting the road Tuesday to visit with 5 of our 6 kids and their families in Michigan. So it is you turn...pray for us. Safe travel would be a good place to start.
Love and Prayers,
Auntie Phyl (Mom's friend)
Anonymous, at 9:01 PM
Hey guy...If you decide to bottle,bag,box or tube that energy,send me 2 .I never had that much get-up & go.I'm just so very happy that you continue to have such a great sense of humor.That is so much better than a pity party.Love you and look forward to the next GOOD news.Dad
Anonymous, at 10:06 AM
Wahoo Onion Power:
This is the best news I have had in some time. What a thrill to my soul and an answer to my prayers.
Also, I am extremely appreciative for the picture of the miracle stain remover!! I hope you remembered to contact Ralph with your unbiased review! You are always so considerate of others to share your cleaning tips and secrets. (Look out Heloise!) :-)
Hugs and kisses to you, Cindy and the three Amigos!
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM
Hi Greg,
Back from Michigan and our kids survived us...I think.
We had a great time, however, there were days I was wishing for some of your "enerhum" (short for energy and humor). When you put 12 adults and 8-10 youngsters ages 2 months to 18 years in the same house it gets a little interesting.
Wanted to let you know that you were and are still in my prayers. Looking forward to talking to your Mom to find out how your visit went and how you are feeling.
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 12:50 PM
Hi Greg,
Hear Mom and Michelle are on their way to see you tomorrow. I had lunch Sunday with your Mom and a bunch of crazy ladies in Lake Lure.
I have been praying that the scan results will be really good. May you feel the love of God enfold you and his healing hand upon you.
Love and prayers,
Auntie Phyl
Anonymous, at 10:17 PM
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