3PM First "Quick Scan" (phase 2)
Of course they were still behind when I came back but I got in by 4PM to get scanned.
They do a head to toe scan that takes about 30 mins.
Tomorrow they will do the same scan but it will last 2 hours minimum.
I know I will not be able to lie still that long. My stomach was killing me after 30 mins.
In the middle of the night I cant lie still for 2 hours, I wish I could.
Here is a link to the machine they use to do the scan. It is called the Hawkeye V3 ( made by General Eletric)
Stay tuned for the recap on stage 3 scheduled for 8AM Wednesday morning.
They do a head to toe scan that takes about 30 mins.
Tomorrow they will do the same scan but it will last 2 hours minimum.
I know I will not be able to lie still that long. My stomach was killing me after 30 mins.
In the middle of the night I cant lie still for 2 hours, I wish I could.
Here is a link to the machine they use to do the scan. It is called the Hawkeye V3 ( made by General Eletric)
Stay tuned for the recap on stage 3 scheduled for 8AM Wednesday morning.
Wow!! That is very interesting even though it is a bit heavy for me. In trying to understand, does this give you - for lack of understanding other things - engineered views/ top view, side view, etc. like in Furniture? I studied the case studies and tried to understand exactly what I was looking at and came to the conclusion that it was like a Furniture drawing. Am I close or totally off base.
Will this set the "base line" that you were talking about? Are the various scans today and tomorrow going to give a complete picture or an advancement of the dye? Sorry to ask so many questions, just appreciate so much the fantastic information you are sharing and want to really understand.
I love you and here OOOOO are some oversized hugs for you!!!
Anonymous, at 8:48 PM
Hi Greg,
This is me your sister in law Sindy,
Just wanted to wish you many blessings and let you know that you are in my prayers and never forgotten.
Some time ago I designed a web page dedicated to those with cancer, people I knew. The same page is dedicated to you as well.
You can view it here:
I wish you well my friend
In Christ
Anonymous, at 9:31 PM
Hey Greg. This is your step-sis. Sindy V. made a mistake saying she was your sister-in-law. She is your step-sis too. Hope you got a laugh out of that. I just got done giving her crap about it. hahaha. I am praying for you each and every day for the strength and courage, and God willing, for your healing. I am also praying for Cindy, Mom, and Tandi, Tammy, Michelle, and Wendy for their strength as well, as God prepares them for your future. I hope you will get through this. I sent you a card from my Sabbath school class in Church. Hope you got it. Love ya, bro.
Anonymous, at 1:01 PM
Ok ok ok....so I am 41 and my brain is like all not here....LOL
I think i need brain drugs. You should see the check I void because since I turned 41 I forgot how to write them or spell. Last week i kept putting year 1989 down and 2 days ago i forgot what year it was. LOL hahahahaha.
Love you Greg and praying for you and your sweet mom and entire family.
have a Sabbath filled with blessings.
Anonymous, at 5:50 PM
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